Ron se tornou menos inteligente à medida que a série progrediu?


Eu estava apenas considerando algumas das coisas um pouco bobas e imaturas que Ron diz nos livros. Particularmente, ele sendo um pouco mais lento para entender os pontos da trama ou perceber coisas em comparação com Harry se destacou para mim. Quando Hermione (como geralmente é Hermione) expõe pontos de enredo, Harry e Rony ouvem, e geralmente é Ron quem se esforça mais com os pontos da trama. Provavelmente, isso é para distingui-lo como personagem e / ou para o alívio cômico no trio.

No entanto, quando eu pensava em Ron nos livros anteriores, ele parecia muito mais capaz. Talvez isso seja simplesmente devido ao seu conhecimento relativo do mundo mágico comparado a Harry, por meio do qual Rowling nos mostra o mundo.

Estou certo em pensar que Ron foi originalmente retratado como mais inteligente, mas se tornou mais um personagem bobo / comédia à medida que a série progredia?

Postscript: em as Relíquias da Morte , Ron parece perder muito dessa bobagem e tornar-se muito mais maduro. Isso pode ser explicado como resultado de sua saída e posterior retorno, envelhecimento ou ambos.

(Pergunta relacionada: Ron foi mais afetado pela Veela do que Harry? )

por C. R. Yasuo 12.02.2018 / 15:54

2 respostas

A partir da wikia , você pode ver que ele sempre se mostrou mais imaturo do que os outros:

Ron was a very funny person, but often emotionally immature, and insensitive. He had a sardonic, wisecracking sense of humour that often brought his friends laughter and relaxation. However, as Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood pointed out, his humour could occasionally be hurtful, even if unintentionally.[34] Hermione was frequently frustrated with Ron's immaturity, once commenting that he had the "emotional range of a teaspoon". During his time searching for Voldemort's Horcruxes with Harry and Hermione, Ron matured greatly, and even took to leading the trio when Harry temporarily fell into a depressive mood.

Em um artigo do pottermore sobre Ron:

He may have brought the much-needed comic relief, but he also brought so much more.
To begin with, Ron was an occasionally insensitive, insecure and mildly jealous 11-year-old. By the end of the story, he’d matured into a man who knew his own worth, stuck up for those who didn’t have a voice, and learnt that he had no reason to be jealous of Harry.
Standing next to Harry and Hermione, it’s easy to see how Ron might have felt underestimated; Harry was often seen as the brave one, Hermione as the clever one, and Ron as the funny one.

Veja um artigo onde JKR fala sobre casamento :

The truth is that in my younger days, I dated Ron more than once. Ron is funny, very funny; he's insensitive. There's a lot of immaturity about Ron, and that's where a lot of the humour comes from.

Aqui está outra entrevista (tradução da entrevista holandesa):

Who would you rather have as a son, Harry or Ron? “I’ll take them both! I adore Ron. Ron is the most immature of the three main characters, but in part seven he grows up. He was never strong footed, people see him mostly as Harry’s friend; his mother had actually wanted a girl and in the last book he finally has to acknowledge his weaknesses. But it’s exactly that which makes Ron a man. The others also have such a moment where they truly grow up. Harry when he reacts so fiercely against his former professor Lupin who decides to abandon his family. Hermione when she is forced to choose between Harry and Ron. Hermione never strays of the path; she always keeps her attention focused on the job that must be done.

E ele estava muito inseguro sobre suas habilidades e ele era um pouco duro consigo mesmo porque:

Ron was also prone to insecurity about his abilities, when compared to his older siblings and to his famous best friend. When he felt insecure or embarrassed, it was noted that his ears turned red. This became his tell-tale sign of his anger and embarrassment.[28] He felt as if he was consistently overshadowed by the legacy of his older brothers and the fame of Harry; this lead to a feeling of being "second-best".

De Pottermore :

He was the second-youngest child in a whopping-great family, and the least academically accomplished of his friendship group (yup, Harry got better marks even if they both copied Hermione). Plus, with the whole ‘my best mate is the Boy Who Lived’ deal, life could sometimes seem a bit of a bummer to Ron.


His inner struggle, as Dumbledore explained, was revealed by the Mirror of Erised The usually-cheeky Ron’s true insecurities about the achievements of his siblings were revealed when he looked into the one place that showed your heart’s desires – and saw himself, a success, and standing alone.

Fred e Jorge zombando dele também não ajudaram. Eles só pararam quando ele começou a jogar quadribol.

Ele também era preguiçoso:

Ron was also a person who liked to do things the easy way, as he did not like to work hard. This quality was reflected in his first year when he just picked up books from the Hogwarts Library shelves randomly when finding out about Nicolas Flamel. He also had a tendency to make up predictions for his Divination homework, and frequently copied most of his homework from Hermione Granger.

12.02.2018 / 16:15

Tem menos a ver com inteligência e muito a ver com o comportamento humano normal. Considere a faixa etária em que a gangue é retratada. Uma grande parte da série acontece quando eles passam pela puberdade e início da adolescência.

Para uma grande parte da história, Ron é basicamente um menino do ensino médio (como sabemos aqui nos EUA). Hormônios estão enlouquecendo. Meninas são agora uma coisa. Ron vem de uma família grande e, embora sejam muito carinhosos, a atenção é limitada. Combine isso com hormônios, e você tem um coquetel infalível por atuar.

Nessa idade, garotos adolescentes podem parecer as criaturas mais estúpidas do planeta, independentemente de sua inteligência real. Eles dizem e fazem coisas que são desconcertantes para qualquer outra pessoa. Fica pior quando estão perto de seus amigos, e pior ainda quando há uma garota por perto.

Isso é confirmado pela mudança de comportamento perto do final da série, à medida que ele cresce, tornando-se mais maduro, acelerado pelas coisas horríveis que acontecem ao seu redor.

12.02.2018 / 16:49