As névoas eram realmente uma ameaça?


Em O Poço da Ascensão , o segundo livro de Brandon Sanderson, os heróis juntam os eventos que levaram à ascensão do Senhor Governante e descobrem que ele tomou o poder no Poço para derrotar algo chamado The Deepness. Por fim, eles passam a acreditar que a profundidade é a névoa; e nós realmente aprendemos que o Senhor Governante moveu o mundo para mais perto do sol, a fim de queimar as névoas, e então teve que criar a cinza para neutralizar isso.

Mas, no final do terceiro livro, Hero of Ages , aprendemos que

the mists are really the body of Preservation; and Vin takes them into herself, gaining the power.

Então, houve alguma ameaça das névoas? A profundidade era realmente outra coisa? Ou foi todo o conceito da Profundidade, e precisando ir até o Poço para vencê-lo, um engano pela Ruína?

(Note, eu só li a trilogia original; se a resposta for nos livros subseqüentes, eu apreciaria o espaço do spoiler. Obrigado.)

por Daniel Roseman 22.02.2017 / 19:32

1 resposta

Não, as névoas não eram um perigo no sentido de que as pessoas de Scadrial pensavam que elas eram. Das Epígrafes do Herói das Eras: Capítulo 81 (Ênfase minha)

Snapping has always been the dark side of Allomancy. A person's genetic endowment may make them a potential Allomancer, but in order for the power to manifest, the body must be put through extraordinary trauma. Though Elend spoke of how terrible his beating was, during our day, unlocking Allomancy in a person was easier than it had once been, for we had the infusion of Preservation's power into the human bloodlines via the nuggets granted to nobility by the Lord Ruler. When Preservation set up the mists, he was afraid of Ruin escaping his prison. In those early days, before the Ascension, the mists began to Snap people as they did during our time—but this action of the mists was one of the only ways to awaken Allomancy in a person, for the genetic attributes were buried too deeply to be brought out by a simple beating. The mists of that day created Mistings only, of course—there were no Mistborn until the Lord Ruler made use of the nuggets.

The people misinterpreted the mists' intent, as the process of Snapping Allomancers caused some—particularly the young and the old—to die. This hadn't been Preservation's desire, but he'd given up most of his consciousness to form Ruin's prison, and the mists had to be left to work as best they could without specific direction.

Ruin, subtle as ever, knew that he couldn't stop the mists from doing their work. However, he could do the unexpected and encourage them. And so, he helped make them stronger. That brought death to the plants of the world, and created the threat that became known as the Deepness.

Então, sim, a Ruína manipulou as Brumas para servir a seus propósitos, assim como ele manipulou as profecias para criar a lenda da terrível Profundidade. Isso, por sua vez, promoveu seu objetivo, que era ter alguém indo para o poço e libertá-lo.

22.02.2017 / 20:01