Posso jogar Blades in the Dark com um grupo maior?


Eu quero jogar uma sessão introdutória de Lâminas no escuro com um grupo de seis pessoas e eu preferiria não dividi-las em duas partes. No entanto, o livro de regras menciona o tamanho das partes de duas a quatro, e não mais:


  • Players: two to four. Plus one Game Master.

É possível jogar Blades in the Dark com um grupo maior? Que problemas devo esperar? Respostas com evidências da experiência real seriam preferíveis.

Esta é a minha primeira tentativa de jogar Blades como o GM.

por encriptador 30.09.2019 / 13:21

1 resposta

Esta pergunta foi feita em o Subreddite, aparentemente, quebra a economia do estresse.

Each PC gets 9 stress before they have to leave the score (trauma -out). So at 5 PCs that 45 stress for the table. With 45 stress to spend on one score most things that cost stress only cost 1-3 stress (aside from a bad resistance roll or a few other odds and ends). That means on any given score (which to me is 2-3 clocks of 4-6 ticks before complications occur) there is a LOT of ability for the players to interject or add into it. Which can really make things feel a bit... loose or non-consequential if you don't hit them hard enough where they really want to resist but have to think about how much stress they are using. (Don't forget about the protect action which lets PCs resist for other PCs)

Its just the stress pool gets really big even when the score can mostly "stay the same" in terms of difficulty, cause going from 3 crew members to 4 crew members doesn't really change the scale or effect of the crew so most of the things that'd go into effect (tier/scale/quality) are the same, even though they have more stress to attempt the same obstacle.

30.09.2019 / 14:26