Shazam e Man of Steel existem no mesmo universo?


Na cena do crédito médio, vemos Shazam convidando Superman para sua escola no intervalo do almoço.

Pelo conhecimento anterior, sabemos que o Shazam faz parte da Liga da Justiça. Mas não houve participação especial de nenhum personagem da Liga da Justiça no filme, e o de Superman não tem rosto.

Esses dois filmes existem no mesmo universo sob a mesma franquia?

Em algum lugar no Youtube (um canal de crítica), ouvi dizer que Henry Cavill não tinha datas para o Shazam, era esse o verdadeiro motivo?

por RC0993 09.04.2019 / 11:55

1 resposta

Esses dois filmes existem no mesmo universo sob a mesma franquia?

Sim, e já foi dito muitas vezes. Como de indianexpress:

The movie is completely trackable on its own merit. That said, there a lot of fun little nods/homages/Easter eggs that can be enjoyed should one be caught up in the DCEU.”- Zachary Levi

Mesmo diretor discutido sobre a piada Aquaman também.

A partir de Rrunpee:

According to every reliable internet source, Shazam is indeed set within the larger universe of the DC superheroes, at least from the ‘official DCEU starting point’ with Man of Steel, in 2013.

E eles também listam outras fontes também:

Screenrant says: the producers went to great lengths to only show background action figures the DCEU featured to date, holding back on characters they haven’t allotted movie time to yet. It’s a deliberate thing. It’s world-building. reports: “So while Superman was battling Zod and then Batman and then Doomsday and then death and then Steppenwolf, Billy Batson was being tossed around the foster care system.”

Também a partir de CBR:

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Shazam! producer Peter Safran said "I wouldn’t be surprised to see Shazam play a role in the DCU. He exists in that world." What's more, there is already a plan in place, should the character make further appearances in other films. Since actor Asher Angel, who plays young Billy Batson in the film, will continue to grow up at a rapid pace, there is a contingency to make this all work. "It’s something we’ve considered and have plans in place for sequels that take into account those realities," Safran teased.

Eu poderia ter perdido muitas outras entrevistas, mas acho que você entendeu.

Henry Cavill não tinha datas para o Shazam, era esse o verdadeiro motivo?

Sim, ele não estava disponível, de inverso:

“And, of course, I wanted Henry Cavill to pop up. But he was unavailable, which was disappointing.”

Sandberg remembers feeling vexed. “It’s the end of the movie. What are we going to do?” Determined to stick as close as possible to the original idea, he enlisted Zachary Levi’s stunt double to wear Superman’s costume and opted to shoot the Last Son of Krypton only from the neck down. It didn’t calm Sandberg’s nerves, however.

“We had Zack’s stunt double do it, but I was worried. Is this gonna feel cheap? Is this not gonna work? To cut before you see his face, is this gonna feel cheap? Are people gonna feel cheated?”

Later on in post-production, Sandberg finally relaxed when he saw the scene cut together.

“It just made us laugh,” he says. “You see Freddy’s reaction and a hard cut to credits, and it’s just funny. It turned out better than what it was originally, where he sat down and had a little chat.”

09.04.2019 / 12:13