Poderia ser o livro Gamerunner ? Eu não li o livro, mas é fácil ver que muitos detalhes se alinham com sua descrição.
O menino joga um jogo em realidade virtual e mora em uma corporação:
Rick is a Gamerunner. His job is to test there are no glitches or bugs in The Maze - the computer game that is much more than just a computer game. In The Maze you physically become your avatar. You fight, run and loot, all the time avoiding the deadly slicing traps - whirling blades that appear from nowhere. Rick has known nothing outside The Maze and his life at the headquarters of Crater, the company that created The Maze.
Pai suposto chamado Daed:
Daed was a mystery, even — no, especially — to Rick. Even if Daed was his father, he didn’t know who his mother was. Or if he’d had one. When he was small — smaller, anyway — he’d tried to pretend Perdita was his mother, but it didn’t really work.
—Page 15
Não consigo encontrar em qualquer lugar que o nome completo de Daed seja Daedalus, mas a palavra "Daedalus" aparece várias vezes no livro, e acho que está implícito.
Daed o envia em uma missão:
‘Better,’ Daed said, in the dark. ‘Now listen. I want you to go into the Maze —’
—Page 16