Quais são as razões fora do universo para as referências ao Homem-Aranha da era Toby Maguire em Into the Spider-Verse?


Vemos inúmeras cenas icônicas levantadas diretamente dos filmes do Homem-Aranha da era Tobey Maguire na Spider-Man: Para o Spiderverse, Tais como:

- the upside-down Kisten Dunst kiss
- stopping a train
- cool Tobey emerging from a New York building and busting a move down the street


O que estão em fora do universo razões (direitos, contar histórias, serviço de fãs etc.) para a inclusão desta época e não as épocas de Andrew Garfield ou Tom Holland?

por ThePopMachine 17.04.2019 / 17:39

2 respostas

Christopher Miller: I think the idea is that this Peter Parker is an amalgam of all the Peter Parkers that you have seen in popular culture. So there's elements of the Homecoming Tom Holland Spider-Man, of an Andrew Garfield Spider-Man, of the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, of Spider-Man from various comics and TV shows. And sort of in this universe the Spider-Man that comes to Miles' world is one that looks similar to but is not exactly the same as the ones that you know. And so, that's why all of those plots are similar, but there's a twist to them.

Phil Lord: "Yeah, the Spider-Man in Miles' universe that he meets early in the movie was meant to be as competent a Spider-Man as possible, and is meant to be living in an alternate universe that we would all consider the mainstream comics universe. So you'll see that like he and M.J. kiss in the rain upside down, but she's upside down, and he's right side up. Just trying to find little ways to say, 'This is a parallel dimension'."


Como FuzzyBoots apontou, há pelo menos uma referência ao Homem-Aranha da Holanda segurando a balsa. Além disso, parece mais provável que o cabelo de Peter seja baseado na versão de Andrew Garfield. É possível que houvesse mais referência à versão de Maguire simplesmente porque Maguire estava em mais filmes do Homem-Aranha do que nos outros dois atores.

17.04.2019 / 19:06

De acordo com os criadores do filme, o objetivo era mostrar ao público que este filme inclui uma amálgama de todos os diferentes universos do Homem-Aranha com os quais eles provavelmente estão familiarizados.

A inclusão específica de uma versão do clássico Tobey Maguire "dança aranha"foi pressionado duramente pelo co-diretor, porque ele sentiu que isso levava o público a entender que era um comédia filme em primeiro lugar e que eles devem esperar que o filme não tenha medo de zombar de Spidey.

Phil Lord: You may notice a bunch of scenes that are reminiscent of other iconic spider-men and moments. This version of Peter is supposed to be an amalgam of all the spider-men that we knew in the universe. Good and [pauses while we watch Spider-Man dance] bad.

Chris Miller: Good and great!.

PL: Sorry, good and great. That joke saved the movie.

CM: Which, the popsicle or the 'dance joke'?

PL: The dance move.

CM: That joke started the movie.

PL: I resisted that dance joke and Rodney [Rothman] pushed hard for it [both laugh]. And he was right... It told the audience what movie we were watching. That they were watching a comedy. They laughed so big and then they laughed at everything afterward. As a result.

CM: I call that a warm-up laugh, Phil. Warming the audience up to laugh.

Into the Spider-verse: Makers Audio Commentary.

17.04.2019 / 21:31