What do I need to power up an EDF engine? [on hold]


I want to buy a EDF engine (just the engine). What items, such as battery and chargers etc. do i need to buy to power it up?

por jojo osinga 15.10.2019 / 08:03

1 resposta

An EDF is an electric ducted fan, so I assume you're not interested in the fans powered by internal combustion engines (or actual turbines).

Você vai precisar de:

  1. an ESC (electronic speed controller) that is rated for at least the maximum current and voltage of the motor in the EDF.
  2. a battery that can provide that current and voltage.
  3. something to provide a throttle signal to the ESC. Usually this is a transmitter and receiver, but for bench-testing a simple, cheap option is a servo tester.
  4. a charger for the battery. This must be able to match the battery chemistry, voltage and capacity (they normally handle a range)
  5. if the charger isn't mains powered, it will need a power supply.

There are loads of on-line shops for all this.

15.10.2019 / 11:04