O Listen pode ser usado para identificar a localização de um inimigo invisível?


Sei que ainda terei que lidar com a chance de erro da ocultação, mas posso usar o Listen para encontrar pelo menos qual quadrado atacar?

por András 18.06.2019 / 15:39

2 respostas

Sim, você pode, mas pode não ser capaz de atacar com precisão onde eles estão, isso dependeria do seu teste de Sabedoria contrário. O texto para Invisibilidade é o seguinte:

A creature can use hearing to find an invisible creature. A character can make a Listen check for this purpose as a free action each round. A Listen check result at least equal to the invisible creature’s Move Silently check result reveals its presence. (A creature with no ranks in Move Silently makes a Move Silently check as a Dexterity check to which an armor check penalty applies.) A successful check lets a character hear an invisible creature “over there somewhere.” It’s practically impossible to pinpoint the location of an invisible creature. A Listen check that beats the DC by 20 pinpoints the invisible creature’s location.

Portanto, você pode fazer a verificação para determinar se há algo lá e, se REALMENTE conseguir, poderá fazer jogadas de ataque, mas será menos provável que elas atinjam:

If a character tries to attack an invisible creature whose location he has pinpointed, he attacks normally, but the invisible creature still benefits from full concealment (and thus a 50% miss chance). A particularly large and slow creature might get a smaller miss chance.

If a character tries to attack an invisible creature whose location he has not pinpointed, have the player choose the space where the character will direct the attack. If the invisible creature is there, conduct the attack normally. If the enemy’s not there, roll the miss chance as if it were there, don’t let the player see the result, and tell him that the character has missed. That way the player doesn’t know whether the attack missed because the enemy’s not there or because you successfully rolled the miss chance.

18.06.2019 / 15:47

Sim, você pode usar o Listen para tentar localizar uma criatura invisível

O Seção SRD sobre invisibilidade diz:

A creature can use hearing to find an invisible creature.A character can make a Listen check for this purpose as a free action each round. (...) A Listen check that beats the DC by 20 pinpoints the invisible creature’s location.

Portanto, embora seja bastante difícil, o Listen pode realmente ser usado para identificar uma criatura que é invisível.

18.06.2019 / 15:45