Quem levantou Númenor do mar?


Nas duas principais wikias do Senhor dos Anéis, afirma-se que Númenor foi criado pelos Valar;

Númenor (Q: "westland", pron. [ˈnuːmenor]) or Númenórë (pron. [ˌnuːmeˈnoːre]), known in the Common Speech as Westernesse and in Adûnaic as Anadûnê, was one of the names of the isle of Elenna, which was raised from the Great Sea by the Valar in the beginning of the Second Age.

-From Tolkien Gateway

Númenor was a great island brought up out of the sea by the Valar for the Edain to dwell in, in the early Second Age after the final ruin of Beleriand, and was where the Númenoreans originated from.

From Lord of the Rings Fandom wikia

Quero dizer, Númenor estava no mar, e os 2 Ainur associados ao mar são Ulmo e Ossë. Não consigo imaginar Tulkas nadando até o fundo do oceano para elevador Númenor up.

Então, quem faz Valar referir-se? É declarado em qualquer um dos escritos de Tolkien se era Ulmo, Senhor das Águas; ou seu Maiar Ossë, que criou Númenor?

por Mat Cauthon 08.05.2017 / 15:02

1 resposta

De acordo com o publicado Silmarillion, foi levantado por Ossë (ênfase minha):

A land was made for the Edain to dwell in, neither part of Middle-earth nor of Valinor, for it was sundered from either by a wide sea; yet it was nearer to Valinor. It was raised by Ossë out of the depths of the Great Water, and it was established by Aulë and enriched by Yavanna; and the Eldar brought thither flowers and fountains out of Tol Eressëa.

The Silmarillion IV Akallabêth

Isso remonta aos primeiros rascunhos de Tolkien sobre o assunto, de 1936ish:

Many men had not come into the old Tales. They are still at large on earth. The Fathers of Men are given a land to dwell in, raised by Osse and Aule in the great Western Sea.

History of Middle-earth V The Lost Road and Other Writings Part 1: "The Fall of Númenor and the Lost Road" Chapter 2: "The Fall of Númenor" (i) The original outline

Todo rascunho subsequente (em sua maioria em A estrada perdida e Anel de Morgoth, para aqueles que jogam em casa) contém um parágrafo substancialmente idêntico ao do artigo publicado Silmarillion.

08.05.2017 / 15:05