If I renounce my nationality to get Japanese passport, what will I put next time I have to fill the nationality field [closed]


To acquire Japanese passport, the foreign national has to renounce his/her nationality. In such case, what will that person put in the nationality field as in many cases filling up the nationality field in mandatory. For instance, yesterday I was filling the online Transit visa application for Srilanka and there the nationality field is marked as a required field.

If I renounce my nationality and Japan doesn't give me nationality, will I be considered stateless?

por Natasha 11.07.2019 / 15:23

1 resposta

I'm a notary in the US and once did a notarization for a woman who had a Japanese passport and a US passport; both were in force at the time I met her (around 5 years ago). Perhaps the rules have changed, or perhaps it depends on the circumstances of the person applying for the passport. You should probably consult an immigration lawyer.

11.07.2019 / 16:45