What color can lightsabers be?


I just saw the fan film Broken Allegiance and the Force-sensitive bounty-hunter, Korbain Thor, wielded an ochre lightsaber (or at least that's what a entrada do wiki described it as).

I'm just wondering if ochre is a canon color for a lightsaber?

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

por Donmax 31.07.2012 / 06:57

1 resposta

Disney Canon

Lightsaber blades are powered by the Kyber Crystal it contains which gets its color from its being attuned to its owner. Most typically, they end up blue or green. Since the crystals were inherently attuned to the Light Side, Sith/Dark Side users were forced to "bend" the will of the crystals, making them "bleed", creating the red color. Currently, the only known colors are:

  • Black (The Dark Saber)
  • Blue (Obi-Wan's lightsaber)
  • Green (Yoda's lightsaber)
  • Purple (Mace Windu's lightsaber)
  • Red (Darth Vader/Darth Maul's lightsabers)
  • Silver (Tera Sinube's lightsaber)
  • White (Ashoka Tano's lightsaber)
  • Yellow (Jedi Temple Guards lightsabers)

Thus far, synthetic crystals have not appeared in the new canon. While Pablo Hidalgo, has said that his tweets should not necessarily be treated as canon, he has noted that "No, the synthetic crystal thing is Legends. Maul. Sidious. Vader. All those were kyber crystals."

So, in Disney Canon, there is no evidence that a lightsaber could be "ochre" specifically, but one of the "yellow" hues may come close.


Lightsaber colors are determined by the crystals used to power the blade. In more modern times, synthetic crystals were created and used instead of mining natural crystals. This made blades of almost any color possible.

That said, here are the known colors of lightsaber blades as per Wookieepedia.

  • Âmbar
  • Aqua (Galen Marek's modified lightsaber)
  • Azure (Nikkos Tyris's lightsaber)
  • Black (White with black core)
  • Blue (traditional Jedi lightsaber color)
  • Blue, w/ black core
  • Blue, Dark (such as Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber, Kenobi's Legacy)
  • Blue, Icy (Permafrost crystal)
  • Blue, Jade
  • Ouro brilhante
  • Bronze (Bnar's Sacrifice)
  • Bronze w/ yellow core (Heart of the Guardian)
  • Castanho
  • Carmine (Bane's Heart)
  • Clear (Barab ore)
  • Cobalt (One of Saesee Tiin's many lightsaber's)
  • Crimson (such as Adi Gallia's lightsaber in 32 BBY)
  • Cyan (such as Meetra Surik's lightsaber)
  • Cyan w/ silvery glow (Mantle of the Force)
  • azul elétrico
  • Emerald (such as Jacen Solo's lightsaber before his ascension to Sith Lord)
  • Gold (such as Qu Rahn's lightsaber)
  • Cinzento
  • Verde
  • Green, Dark
  • Green, Jade
  • Green, Light
  • Green, Sage (Rahm Kota's lightsaber)
  • Green w/ black core (Dahgee crystal)
  • Índigo
  • Lava (Lava crystal)
  • Magenta (such as Mara Jade Skywalker's lightsaber)
  • Orange (such as Kyle Katarn in 10 ABY or Freedon Nadd) Pre Vizsla wielding his unique black-bladed Darksaber.
  • Pearl White (Krayt dragon pearl, Wisdom crystal)
  • Pewter(Raynar Thul's lightsaber)
  • Pink (Lambent)
  • Roxa
  • Red (Darth Andeddu's Crystal, generic Sith/Dark Jedi lightsaber)
  • Red, w/ black core
  • Red, Blood (Qixoni crystal)
  • Red, Dark
  • Red, Light
  • Sapphire (Yarael Poof's lightsaber)
  • Scarlet (Depa Billaba's lightsaber)
  • Silver (Durindfire (crystal))
  • Silvery-blue
  • Silvery-green (Viridian crystal)
  • Teal (Sunrider's Destiny)
  • Transparent Blue (Pix's lightsaber)
  • Violet (such as Anakin Solo, Kyp Durron, and Jaina Solo's lightsabers)
  • Violet, Dark
  • Violet, Light
  • Viridian
  • Branco
  • Yellow (such as the new Impact Crystal, a Force Unleashed 2 Collectors Edition Exclusive, and Yun's lightsaber)
  • Yellow, Dark
  • Yellow, Light
  • Yellow-White (Nelani Dinn's lightsaber)
  • Yellowish-green (such as Ahsoka Tano's Shoto)
  • Yellowish-orange
  • Yellow w/ Black Core

As you can see, there is no "ochre" listed, but as Chetter pointed out, "ochre" can actually mean a few things. Without specifying a variant, "ochre" usually refers to a golden-yellow or a yellow-brown.

Ignoring synthetic crystals, there are two crystals which produce colors close to these shades:


Ulric's Redemption

To be fair, Ulric's Redemption is a little closer to brown than yellow.

31.07.2012 / 17:26