Os poderes físicos e mentais de Shazam, baseados nos deuses


Quando Billy Batson recebe os poderes de Shazam, o Mago afirma

Yes. I give you the power. And with it all my strength. Solomon's wisdom. The power of Hercules. Atlas toughness. The power of Zeus. The courage of Achilles. And Mercury's speed.

É demonstrado que o Shazam possui super-força (Hércules), invulnerabilidade (Atlas), super-velocidade (Mercúrio), raio (Zeus), mas sabedoria ou coragem limitadas.

De wiki:

Wisdom: Billy has instant access to a vast amount of scholarly knowledge and objective. He possesses an excellent mental acuity and nearly infallible wisdom, including an innate understanding virtually all known languages and sciences.

Courage: This aspect is mostly psychological and spiritual in nature. The courage of Achilles gives the mental fortitude of the legendary Greek hero. This gives him superhuman levels of inner strength, willpower, discipline and resolve from which to draw upon in times of hopelessness, and possibly great fighting skills.

Ao longo do filme, ele meio que desenvolve coragem e tem um eureka momento até o final, mas não está no nível de seus outros poderes.

Assim, por que existe essa disparidade entre os poderes físicos que ele recebeu (e obviamente possui) e seus poderes mentais (que ele parece não ter)?

por BlueMoon93 09.04.2019 / 11:25

1 resposta

O filme usou toda a experiência de aprendizado para adicionar um aspecto cômico e aumentar o tempo de execução. No entanto, com a sabedoria de Salomão, ele saberia instantaneamente como usar todos os seus poderes.

S for the Wisdom of Solomon: Solomon was the third king of united Israel in historical times. According to the Bible God blessed him with supernatural wisdom at his request to lead Israel. Captain Marvel has instant access to a vast amount of knowledge. The wisdom of Solomon is sometimes known as the Wisdom of the Ancients. Captain Marvel has superhuman clairvoyance and awareness. He is provided with counsel and advice in times of need. Captain Marvel has knowledge of all languages, ancient and modern warfare, and can hypnotize or enchant people with his power. The power of wisdom lends him knowledge far beyond mortal comprehension. The knowledge he possesses is unending, therefore he is capable of anything.

Zachary Levi abordou a idéia de Billy Batson ter a sabedoria de um deus:

“I asked this question with David at the camera test or maybe even right before it, I think. Having done the research on the character and being like, ‘How is this going to work?’ I think, if you’ve read the New 52, it does take a little license with that. In fact I don’t think it’s the only version of Captain Marvel or Shazam that’s taken license with this kind of paradox, right? Essentially what was settled on is the idea that while some of these powers or these namesakes and powers, be it Hercules or Atlas or what have you, are a little bit more evident as Billy is becoming [Shazam.]”

11.05.2019 / 16:28