Tentando recordar uma história de ficção científica sobre sons do espaço


As premissas são:

Uma estação de rádio transmitia sons gravados do espaço profundo e esses sons, quando amplificados, proporcionavam às pessoas um transe abençoado. E terminou com o protagonista amaldiçoando o achado e as pessoas abusando dele, mas então o rádio aparece e ele está alegremente feliz novamente.

É uma história curta e parecida com o estilo Vonnegut. Desculpe eu não posso adicionar comentários ainda, vou estar atualizando esta questão.

por Yuriy Galanter 30.07.2014 / 23:52

1 resposta

Eu encontrei. Foi por Vonnegut, de fato.

"A pergunta de Euphio por Kurt Vonnegut"

Começa com:

"Lew, Fred, and I found peace of mind by sitting in easy chairs and turning on a gadget the size of a table-model television set. No herbs, no golden rule, no muscle control, no sticking our noses in other people's troubles to forget our own; no hobbies, Taoism[I1] , push-ups or contemplation of a lotus. The gadget is, I think, what a lot of people vaguely foresaw as the crowning achievement of civilization: an electronic something-or-other, cheap, easily mass-produced, that can, at the flick of a switch, provide tranquillity. I see you have one here."

e termina com

"In closing, I'd like to point out that Lew Harrison, the would-be czar of euphio, is an unscrupulous person, unworthy of public trust. It wouldn't surprise me, for instance, if he had set the clockwork on this sample euphio set so that its radiations would addle your judgments when you are trying to make a decision. In fact, it seems to be whirring suspiciously at this very moment, and I'm so happy I could cry. I've got the swellest little kid and the swellest bunch of friends and the swellest old wife in the world. And good old Lew Harrison is the salt of the earth, believe me. I sure wish him a lot of good luck with his new enterprise."

31.07.2014 / 03:01