Book about a guy who can create portals, uses the sun to destroy missiles


I read a book years ago about a guy that creates portals that can be directed to source and destination. He used it to tie one end to the sun and used the other end to destroy missiles.

por Tenha 23.08.2019 / 00:03

1 resposta

That sounds vaguely like the Commonwealth saga books by Peter Hamilton, starting with Pandora's Star (2004) and Judas Unchained (2005).

The series is set centuries after Nigel Sheldon and Ozzie Isaacs first developed wormhole technology (demonstrated when they greet the first astronauts to land on Mars). The wormholes are later anchored to stations on distant planets, allowing human society to spread and create the Commonwealth. Eventually humans encounter the hostile Prime species and there is much use of wormhole technology to deliver munitions and troops, as well as putting one end of a wormhole into a star and projecting the other end at the enemy.

23.08.2019 / 17:19