Quais são as consequências de um piloto de linha aérea que se desvia de um plano de voo para realizar uma manobra aleatória?


What are the consequences of a pilot flying a scheduled airline flight with passengers deviating from a flight plan to perform a random maneuver?

Say during a normal landing procedure, he spots something interesting not in his normal flight plan nor in the normal landing procedure, and decides to do a fly over, then returns to land the plane normally.

I imagine he would be fired from his company, but would there be legal action against him? If so, what would be the severity of the crime? (We can assume the US or Europe).

por zundi 15.07.2019 / 00:38

1 resposta

As long as the pilots clear it with ATC and it doesn't violate the general rule against careless or reckless actions, there is nothing illegal about it. Pilots frequently request minor route changes, and ATC generally grants them if conditions permit. For instance, aircraft departing SFO often request a scenic pass by the Golden Gate Bridge as a treat for themselves and/or their passengers.

As long as no laws are broken (see above), their employer won't know whether the deviation was initiated by ATC or by the pilot, nor would they probably care even if they did know.

OTOH, if a pilot deviates from ATC instructions, it could potentially get them killed, so few pilots would knowingly do that. Deviations are almost always unintentional, and unless the pilot has a history of such problems that calls his qualifications into question, he/she will most likely get a "counseling" session and perhaps some refresher training.

15.07.2019 / 01:00