O que Han estava procurando quando descobriu onde estava Lando?


In O império Contra-Ataca temos esta troca entre Han e Leia

HAN: Then we've got to find a safe port somewhere around here. Got any ideas?

LEIA: No. Where are we?

HAN: The Anoat system.

LEIA: Anoat system. There's not much there.

HAN: No. Well, wait. This is interesting. Lando.

He points to a computer mapscreen on the control panel. Leia slips out of her chair and moves next to the handsome pilot. Small light points representing several systems flash by on the computer screen.

LEIA: Lando system?

HAN: Lando's not a system, he's a man. Lando Calrissian. He's a card player, gambler, scoundrel. You'd like him.

LEIA: Thanks.

HAN: Bespin. It's pretty far, but I think we can make it.

O que exatamente ele estava usando para pesquisar, com informações tão detalhadas sobre Lando e onde encontrá-lo?

por Machavity 23.09.2019 / 19:25

1 resposta

Toras do navio dele.

“Funny,” Han said after thinking for a moment, “I have the feeling I’ve been in this area before. Let me check my logs.”
“You keep logs?” Leia was more impressed by the minute. “My, how organized,” she teased. “Well, sometimes,” he answered as he hunted through the computer readout. “Ah-ha, I knew it! Lando—now this should be interesting.”
“I never heard of that system,” said Leia.

Empire Strikes Back: Official Novelisation

Observe que, como isso não concorda exatamente com o diálogo do filme, é considerado lendas.

A nova novela júnior simplesmente se refere a ela como um mapa.

Han leans forward. “Then we’ve got to find a safe port around here to complete repairs. Any ideas?”
Chewbacca brings up an electronic map on the ship’s main control panel. The small crew pores over it. Han groans. “Anoat system. Nothing around here but mining colonies and…” He pauses. He is suddenly interested. “And Lando.”

The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want To Be A Jedi?

A novela júnior mais antiga concorda. Uma tela de mapa (com um mapa).

“Then we’ve got to find a safe port somewhere around here.” Han activated a mapscreen on his control panel, and Leia leaned closer to him to study the map. Han asked, “Got any ideas?”
“No. Where are we?”
“The Anoat system.”

The Empire Strikes Back - Official Junior Novelization

Isso reflete a nota no livro de histórias júnior. Um mapa dos sistemas locais.

“Then we have to find a safe port around here.” He looked at a map on his computer screen. “Funny. I have the feeling I've been in this area before. Let me check.” He focused an image on the screen. “I knew it. Lando! This should be interesting.”

Empire Strikes Back Storybook

23.09.2019 / 20:39