Programa infantil de TV sobre elementos


Eu assisti a um programa de televisão de desenhos animados quando criança em torno do 2007-10. Nele, os personagens se encontraram. Ao longo do caminho, encontraram um macaco de ouro por último e uma garota da floresta. Eu acho que o vilão era um samurai.

por user111437 08.02.2019 / 05:38

1 resposta

Este poderia ser Mestre Raindrop de 2008?

Imagem da temporada 1 para Master Raindrop

The series begins with personifications of two of the five elements, Raindrop (water) and Shao Yen (wood), training with their Master, Yun, in the ancient art of Chitaido. However the strongest leader in the Land of a Thousand Legends, General Bu, upsets the peaceful world by taking Yun to begin his attempt to capture the four elements after Flamo, the fire element, joins him voluntarily. General Bu does this to stop the elements joining together and defeating him. Master Raindrop and Shao Yen are soon joined by the other two elements: Jin Hou, the metal element (an anthropomorphic golden monkey), and Niwa, the earth element (a humanoid girl who appears to be made of clay). Together they attempt to rescue Master Yun and travel to the place where the golden dragon was defeated and restore him to power.

É o que surgiu quando eu procurei elementos de desenho animado de tv "macaco dourado" e corresponde aos seus detalhes.


08.02.2019 / 06:21