Filme ou programa de TV em que um homem se afoga em um lago para tapar um buraco enquanto uma mulher o alimenta com uvas


Estou tentando descobrir de onde veio uma cena, seja um filme ou um programa de TV, em um cenário medieval, onde um homem está se sacrificando em um lago para tapar um buraco que de outra forma drenaria o lago. A mulher pela qual ele está fazendo isso, algum tipo de princesa, está colocando uvas na boca dele.

Eu acho que vi em torno do 1990-1995. Esta é uma memória de infância, portanto, alguns detalhes podem estar ausentes.

por hamboy 04.04.2019 / 23:26

1 resposta

A história é de George MacDonald "A princesa da luz". Definitivamente fantasia. Segundo o IMDB, a BBC fez um filme de TV sobre isso em 1978.

Aqui está parte dessa cena da história original:

So the water grew and grew, and rose up and up on the prince. And the princess sat and looked at him. She fed him now and then. The night wore on. The waters rose and rose. The moon rose likewise higher and higher, and shone full on the face of the dying prince. The water was up to his neck.

"Will you kiss me, princess?" said he, feebly.

The nonchalance was all gone now.

"Yes, I will," answered the princess, and kissed him with a long, sweet, cold kiss.

"Now," said he, with a sigh of content, "I die happy."

He did not speak again. The princess gave him some wine for the last time: he was past eating. Then she sat down again, and looked at him. The water rose and rose. It touched his chin. It touched his lower lip. It touched between his lips. He shut them hard to keep it out. The princess began to feel strange. It touched his upper lip. He breathed through his nostrils. The princess looked wild. It covered his nostrils. Her eyes looked scared, and shone strange in the moonlight. His head fell back; the water closed over it, and the bubbles of his last breath bubbled up through the water. The princess gave a shriek, and sprang into the lake.

09.04.2019 / 01:27