Why are the rules for the polymorph subschool of magic separated from the rest of the book?


When I first bought the core rulebooks for Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, I did a cursory look through of all the books. One thing that stuck out to me was the fact that in the very back of the Manual do Jogador, it showed the rules for the Polymorph Subschool. It struck me as odd for it to be all the way in the back, past all the indices and whatnot, on the very last page.

Why it was done this way? It makes it seem to me that it was an afterthought that they threw in there, but that wouldn't make much sense for a company like Wizards of the Coast to do that. Why wasn't it included at the end of the section on Magic?

por Greppo 29.04.2019 / 22:37

1 resposta

It was not, originally, a separate subschool. Rather than edit the book itself—which would take a trained typesetter a non-trivial amount of work to make sure nothing got messed up—they just tracked it on to the end of the book in later printings.

29.04.2019 / 22:45