Esta subclasse de bárbaro hombrew é equilibrada e adequada para um bárbaro "bandido" [fechado]


At level 3 you can roll with the punches. As a reaction when damaged you can generate temporary hit points = prof + con, which will disappear at the end of the round.

At level 3 you may be the muscle of the group but sometimes you're just there to show who you don't want to be on the bad side of. You and your allies have advantage on Insight, Persuasion, Intimidation checks on creatures that have a challenge ratings less than or equal to half your overall level

At level 6: your blows send your foes reeling. After landing a reckless attack the enemy must make a con save DC 8 + str + prof bonus or be stunned until the start of your next turn

At level 10 "Is that all you got?" spits out bloody tooth You can add your con mod to death saving throws and you're allowed one reroll, but you must use the new roll and stabilizing you will bring you up to con hp

At level 14 as a reaction when below half hit point choose one creature you can see within 10 ft and they must make a wisdom saving throw (DC 8+cha+prof) or be frightened of you until they leave the radius or break line of sight where they will remake the saving throw. While raging this affects all enemies within 15 ft.

Essa subclasse bárbara caseira é equilibrada e adequada para um bárbaro com tema de "bandido"?

por Vicente 10.10.2019 / 07:45

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