Por que o general Grievous não interveio durante a luta de Darth Tyranus vs Anakin Skywalker e Obi-Wan Kenobi?


Eu vi um vídeo pelo Clube de Leitura de Guerra nas Estrelas sobre isso, e me fez pensar também por que Grievous nunca ajudou Dookan durante a batalha entre Darth Tyranus, Anakin Sywalker e Obi-Wan Kenobi. Considerando que Dookan treinou Grievous, ele deveria estar mais preocupado com seu aprendiz.

Existe alguma explicação oficial da novelização sobre por que o general não ajudou o Senhor Sith entre os dois Jedi?

por O rei-mago de Angmar 18.02.2019 / 16:15

1 resposta

De acordo com o filme novelização oficial, Dookan ordenou que Grievous não intervisse.

Dookan, por sua vez, estava agindo sob ordens de Palpatine que (sem o conhecimento de Grievous) estava tentando provocar um duelo entre Anakin e Dooku.

Dooku turned. From his commanding height, he stared down at the blue-scanned holoimage of Invisible Hand’s commander. “Your objections have been noted already, General. Leave the Jedi to me.”

“But driving them to you also sends them directly toward the Chancellor himself. Why does he remain on this ship at all? He should be hidden. He should be guarded. We should have had him outsystem hours ago!”

“Matters are so,” Count Dooku said, “because Lord Sidious wishes them so; should you desire to press your objections, please feel at liberty to take them up with him.”

“I, ah, don’t believe that will be necessary …”

“Very well, then. Confine your efforts to preventing support troops from boarding. Without their pet clones to back them up, no Jedi is a danger to me.”

The deck shuddered again, more sharply, followed by a sudden shift in the vector of the cruiser’s artificial gravity that would have sent a lesser man stumbling; with the Force to maintain the dignified solidity of his posture, the effect on Dooku was confined to the lift of one eyebrow. “And may I suggest that you devote some attention to protecting this ship? Having it destroyed with both you and me aboard might put something of a cramp in the war effort, don’t you think?”

“It is already being done, my lord. Does my lord wish to observe the progress of the Jedi? I can feed the security monitors onto this channel.”

“Thank you, General. That will be welcome.”

“Gracious as ever, my lord. Grievous out.”

18.02.2019 / 19:13