A fundição de um símbolo dentro de um orifício portátil impediria que ele fosse dissipado durante o movimento?


O símbolo spells states:

If you choose an object, that object must remain in its place; if the object is moved more than 10 feet from where you cast this spell, the glyph is broken, and the spells end without being triggered.

This means if I cast it upon an object it cannot be moved more than 10ft from where it was cast without being dispelled.

If a cleric jumped into a buraco portátil and cast the spell on an object inside the hole, then climbed out and closed the hole. Would moving the handkerchief count as moving the extra-dimensional hole it contains?

Therefore would símbolo cast on the object be broken by moving the portable hole containing the object?

por Vicarion 20.06.2016 / 22:14

1 resposta

The way to understand this is to notice that the extradimensional space inside of a portable hole is an entirely separate plane from the one in which the “handkerchief” of the hole-item exists. The hole-item merely gives access to this plane of existence by creating planar portal as an entrance when unfolded and placed on a surface. When the hole-item is folded up and moved, nothing happens to the items on the “inside” — they just sit there, in a lonely piece of the Multiverse, not moving at all no matter what happens to the hole-item.

So if anything cares about the contents of the portable hole moving, such as a símbolo spell, moving the entrada item to the hole won't trigger it. The contents would need to actually be moved within the interior space to count as moving, or out of the hole entirely (which means moving to an entirely different plane of existence) to count as moving.

20.06.2016 / 22:48