Como ninguém saindo do Expresso de Hogwarts esbarrou em Harry sob sua capa de invisibilidade?


Quando Harry estava no Expresso de Hogwarts tentando examinar os pertences de Draco, como ninguém esbarrou em Harry quando todo mundo estava saindo?

por Jordan Carreira 17.04.2019 / 00:26

1 resposta

Harry subiu no porta-malas, por isso Draco continua olhando para cima.

Blaise shakes his head, smiling as he looks out the window at the darkness. Just then the small bag in the upper rack shifts. Malfoy’s eyes play over it.

Half-Blood Prince - Script

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Na chegada a Hogwarts, Draco espera até que todos desembarquem e então bate em Harry, que então cai no corredor.

Malfoy wheels, points his wand at the luggage rack. Something hits the floor with a THUMP. The Invisibility Cloak slips away and reveals Harry, paralyzed on the floor. Malfoy grins.

Half-Blood Prince - Script

O mesmo acontece no livro, exceto que é o tornozelo de Harry que dá o jogo a Malfoy, não a troca da bolsa.

Harry darted into the compartment, leapt on to Zabini’s temporarily empty seat and hoisted himself up into the luggage rack. It was fortunate that Goyle and Zabini were snarling at each other, drawing all eyes on to them, for Harry was quite sure his feet and ankles had been revealed as the Cloak had flapped around them; indeed, for one horrible moment he thought he saw Malfoy’s eyes follow his trainer as it whipped upwards out of sight;

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

e confirmado quando Harry é atropelado com alguma bagagem

Harry was so busy staring at Malfoy he did not notice Goyle reaching up for his trunk; as he swung it down, it hit Harry hard on the side of the head. He let out an involuntary gasp of pain and Malfoy looked up at the luggage rack, frowning.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Malfoy então esperou até o trem estar vazio antes de petrificar Harry.

Petrificus Totalus!’
Without warning, Malfoy pointed his wand at Harry, who was instantly paralysed. As though in slow motion, he toppled out of the luggage rack and fell, with an agonising, floor-shaking crash, at Malfoy’s feet, the Invisibility Cloak trapped beneath him, his whole body revealed with his legs still curled absurdly into the cramped kneeling position. He couldn’t move a muscle; he could only gaze up at Malfoy, who smiled broadly.
‘I thought so,’ he said jubilantly. ‘I heard Goyle’s trunk hit you. And I thought I saw something white flash through the air after Zabini came back …’ His eyes lingered for a moment upon Harry’s trainers. ‘That was you blocking the door when Zabini came back in, I suppose?’

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

17.04.2019 / 00:36