O que exatamente é um "Meth" em carbono alterado?


Em Altered Carbon, quase todos os personagens se referem aos ultra-ricos, poderosos e famosos como "Meths".

O que exatamente é um "Metanfetamina"?

por LogicalBranch 16.04.2019 / 12:13

1 resposta

Meths é a abreviação de Methuselahs

Meths are essentially the richest of the rich, who have lived for a very long time because they can afford to continuously replace their sleeves.

The term comes from the word Methuselah,

In the Old Testament, Methuselah was the grandfather of Noah and the longest living person of all time.

In the show, billionaire Laurens Bancroft (James Purefoy) is one of the oldest living people ever.


A partir do romance, é explicado da seguinte forma:

"Bancroft’s not people, like you and me. He’s a fucking Meth.”

“A Meth?”

“Yeah. A Meth. You know, and all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years. He’s old. I mean, really old.”

Altered Carbon - Richard K. Morgan

16.04.2019 / 12:16