Há navios em Guerra nas Estrelas capazes de viajar intergaláctico?


Sempre me deixava curioso ouvir:

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ...

O que implica que o universo Star Wars está em uma galáxia separada da nossa. Então eu estava lendo Existem médicos de Guerra nas Estrelas e eles podem procurar midiclorianos? que incluiu esta imagem em uma das respostas:

R2D2 e C3PO estão olhando para o que parece ser uma galáxia que a nave (eu presumi) estava se aproximando. Isso parecia sugerir que o 'salto da galáxia' era tão prático quanto o 'salto da estrela'. Mas se você visualizar a imagem em tamanho real (ou tiver bons olhos), fica claro que há estrelas entre o observador e a galáxia no fundo, de modo que os dróides estão simplesmente vendo um (muito fechar) galáxia da periferia da galáxia atual, e não é evidência de intergaláctico viajar.

Isso me leva de volta à pergunta:

Há navios em Guerra nas Estrelas capazes de viagens intergalácticas (na época retratada nos filmes)?

por Andrew Thompson 28.08.2015 / 11:47

5 respostas

Mais ou menos ... Em teoria, todas as naves são intergalácticas *, mas todas elas ficam sem recursos antes de chegarem a algum lugar que valha a pena.

No Universo Expandido, houve uma tentativa de viagem intergaláctica, O Projeto de Voo de Saída; no entanto, foi interrompido antes que eles pudessem deixar a galáxia.

* Não há menção ao Voo de ida ter qualquer tipo de hiperdrive especial ou outro tipo de mecanismo especial. Eram apenas 6 Dreadnaughts e uma estação espacial.

Existe uma raça de alienígenas da UE capaz de viajar entre galáxias, o Yuuzhan Vong. No entanto, a jornada deles levou milênios inteiros, porque seus "motores" não conseguiam prender bem a gravidade de outra galáxia. Os Yuuzhan Vong infiltraram a galáxia de Star Wars por décadas antes da invasão, mesmo antes da Ordem 66.

Existe uma barreira energética ao redor da galáxia e impede a viagem segura do hiperespaço, mas pode ser penetrada. Depois disso, você deve ser dourado (consulte Resposta de Phyneas, parte sobre YV, Silentium e Abominors).

Essa imagem do filme provavelmente é apenas um cenário não muito bem pensado. "Regra de legal" e tal. Você teria que ficar realmente muito longe (5 ou 7 vezes o diâmetro dela) de uma galáxia para ter uma visão tão clara e agradável, e ainda havia estrelas ao seu redor.

No entanto, Leland Chee (SW "canon master") disse que os rebeldes tiveram que fugir da galáxia para encontrar um porto seguro (Quadros de mensagens de Star Wars, 2003), que é uma inconsistência. Em outras fontes, esse objeto é identificado como um cluster chamado Rishi Maze (Conteúdo exclusivo do DVD 2002, Episódio II). No O álbum de recortes completo da trilogia de Guerra nas Estrelas (1997), é simplesmente identificado como um aglomerado de estrelas em rotação. Wookiepedia ainda tem coordenadas exatas.

Então sim. Segundo a UE e Leland Chee, os navios do universo SW são capazes de viajar intergalácticos. As razões pelas quais isso geralmente não é feito estão relacionadas a recursos e perigos ambientais, e não à falta de tecnologia.

28.08.2015 / 12:10

Há outra resposta que não depende do Universo Estendido.

Como você pode ver altamente votado (+ 155) responder para esta pergunta

Are E.T. and Star Wars in the same universe?

há ampla evidência de que esses alienígenas no Senado Galáctico insira a descrição da imagem aqui

são da mesma raça que ET (sinceramente, basta ler a resposta vinculada.)

Therefore the species officially called The Children of the Green Planet from the planet called Brodo Asogi viajei intergalactically to Earth since we know the Galactic Senate of the Republic on Coruscant is in a galaxy far, far away.

28.08.2015 / 16:34

Há navios em Guerra nas Estrelas capazes de viagens intergalácticas (na época retratada nos filmes)?

To answer your question directly, yes, but it depends on what you mean by intergalactic, and any answer is constrained by my second and third points below.

Parte A

Within the overall galáxia there were seven satellites galaxies as part of the main galactic disk (the hyperspace disturbance mentioned below was outside of this whole construct) and there was travel to and from these satellite galaxies:

  • The Nagai accomplished it, coming from the Firefist galaxy.

  • In the era of the movies, the Rebel Alliance had a base in the Rishi Maze.

Parte B

As a supplement to Petersaber's answer, there is also something of a constraint on travelling outside of the SW galaxy, and it is called the Hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy. This is an energy barrier that apparently makes travelling outside the galaxy impossible. The Outbound Flight Project, which did not succeed (thanks to Darth Sidious/the Chiss as described aqui), was an attempt by the Jedi to penetrate this barrier (using the Force).

The Yuuzhan Vong, however, succeeded in finding a way around this barrier at Primeiro vetor and apparently the Silêncio e Abominor, two extra-galactic droid races, must have as well since they came from the same galaxy as the Yuuzhan Vong and settled in the Unknown Regions of the SWG.

Parte C

To expand on Petersaber's point about running out of fuel; unlike Yuuzhan Vong ships that used gravity for propulsion (gravity doesn't run out, though it is never explicitly stated how the dovin basals use gravity other than the mention of micro black holes, so we don't know the exact physics of it), ships in the SWG depended on hyperdrives (a technology they had reverse-engineered from the Rakata and which they did not fully understand) which employed hypermatter and some form of reactant fuel, usually antimatter, for propulsion.

I can't find any evidence of how they actually mined hypermatter (which is only found in hyperspace) or that they had some sort of antimatter scoop technology, both of which would presumably be required for them to refuel their ships along the way. When you consider this, alongside the vast amounts of fuel used (the Venator-class Star Destroyer's main reactor annihilated the equivalent of 40,000 tons of matter each second as quoted aqui), there were most likely real constraints within the SWG of effectively accomplishing true intergalactic travel.

NB1. Although it apparently had FTL capability and consumables for 10 years, I have no idea how Outbound Flight was supposed to accomplish its second mission - to seek out extragalactic life - unless they had a more conservative idea of what that meant, for instance finding Navio no intergalactic void, or they just didn't know what they would find.

NB2. It isn't entirely clear how far away the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy is, for instance, only that it took the Vong millenia to travel the intergalactic void at sublight speeds, and that the living planet Zonama Sekot apparently arrived before they did, though whether it arrived as a seed or a whole planet I do not know, nor what propulsion system it used. The Langhesi shaped Sekot to possess a hyperdrive but it is unclear what propulsion system it may have used before that.

NB3. With reference to the picture that you quote, the galaxy that they are looking at could be the Rishi Maze, or it could be the SWG itself seen from the Rishi Maze. I don't think the issue is entirely settled, and an interesting discussion on it can be found aqui e aqui. In any event, as travelling to and from satellite galaxies was possible/accomplished, it does not impact the substance of the question.

28.08.2015 / 17:10

Disney Canon:

Possibly, but it isn't relevant, because intergalactic travel is seen as a death sentence.

Even some areas within the galaxy are avoided by sane people:

It lies at the margins of the Western Reaches, flung so far into the galaxy she’s not really sure if they’re even in the galaxy anymore. The system is close to Unknown Space—the uncharted end of the galaxy, beyond which lurk terrible nebula storms and gravity wells. Those who have tried to traverse the space outside the galaxy have never returned, though distorted, half-missing communications have come back—messages warning of geomagnetic anomalies and slashing plasma winds.
- Star Wars: Aftermath: Life Debt

In another canon novel, Guerra nas Estrelas: Linhagem, a pilot reacts to a story about ancient warriors leaving the galaxy as follows:

"Which means they spent eternity wandering around in the void of space... Who names themselves after those guys?"
- Star Wars: Bloodline

Building an intergalactic ship would be like installing a diving board over the Sarlacc Pit: sure, you could do it, but you'd die if you tried to use it.

21.07.2016 / 08:15

The hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy was at the very edge of the galaxy, which did not include the galactic halo and the seven satellite galaxies. But this disturbance did not hamper all travel, because there was the yuzon vong entry point, and the hyperlane that leads to the Rishi Maze dwarf galaxy from the planet Rishi in the main galaxy.

20.11.2016 / 03:48