Existem algumas estradas muito remotas no norte do Quebec.
A James Bay Road (Rota da Baie James) é uma opção.
Located in northeastern Canada, in the province of Quebec, the James Bay Road runs north from its beginning at Matagami to Radisson, 620 km (388 miles) away. It is a very remote road - there are no towns along the road (except at either end), and only one place to buy gas in between (at km 381).
Fonte: Wildwood Canada
...It is paved for its entire length. This road was originally built to carry loads of 300 tons, so the road has mostly gentle curves and hills and wide shoulders. However, there are sections which are very bumpy, and even if you drive at the posted speed limit of 100 km/h, you could wreck your car on some of these bumps if you don't slow down. Some of the worst bumps have no bump sign! You may encounter logging trucks during the first 200 km or so, but they're not much of a problem as the road is paved. The James Bay Road is open year-round.
There is only one gas station for the entire length of 620km, at Km 381. There are no other facilities whatsoever for the entire length of the road. You need to check in at Km 6. Radisson has most services, but remember that it is still a small town, of only about 300 people.
Fonte: Wildwood Canada
A Trans-Taiga Road é outra, acessível a partir da parte norte da James Bay Road (!):
This is an extremely remote road, leading 666 km east almost to Labrador, with no settlements or towns aside from Hydro Quebec's settlements for workers (these are private and are not open to the public - they will kick you out).
At the far end you will be 745 km from the nearest town! This is the farthest you can get from a town on a road anywhere in North America!
Esta segunda estrada é uma estrada de cascalho - em teoria, você provavelmente poderia fazê-lo com uma bicicleta, mas, na realidade, você provavelmente não gostaria de tentar sem uma tonelada de suprimentos e um meio de pedir ajuda.
Fonte: Wildwood Canada