Novela sobre um cara que é possuído pela essência divina e pelo mundo acaba?


Eu li esse romance em meados da 80, mas tenho certeza de que foi escrito na 70.

Coisas estranhas começam a acontecer em torno de um sem-teto - como as leis do acaso são alteradas.

Os investigadores descobrem que podem descobrir o que acontecerá a seguir interpretando os sonhos / visão do homem.

Um desses sonhos é um grande corpo de água que é dividido em dois pedaços. Acontece que isso significa que "C" (mar) - a velocidade da luz foi reduzida pela metade.

O mendigo havia se tornado a personificação da essência do criador. O criador estava escondido, porque estava cansado de tentar manter o universo funcionando e da luta com o adversário - o caos.

No final do livro, o criador permite que o mundo seja destruído e o recria - exceto que os planetas são cubos e se movem em quadrados.

Sim - foi bastante bizarro.

por mhhollomon 29.03.2019 / 17:42

1 resposta

Poderia ser esse o nome de Daniel F. Galouye O Homem Infinito (1973)? Pelo Resumo da Wikipedia:

A research project, Project Genesis, searches for evidence confirming the Steady State Theory of continuous creation in the area within and surrounding an unnamed American Midwestern city, according to which, 125,000 newly created neutrons (also called neoneutrons, which decay into hydrogen atoms consisting of protons and electrons while giving off hard gamma radiation - here called creation-radiation) should be called into existence in an Earth-sized volume in a twenty-four-hour period. The monitored area is an equilateral triangle with thickness of 50 feet (15 m) and an area of 300 square miles (780 km2) which should, by a proportional estimate, register twenty-one neoneutronic creation signatures in that same period.

Suddenly, not merely twenty-one, but millions of neoneutrons are called into existence in this monitoring area, fusing some of the sensor equipment. After replacing and refusing of the sensor elements, the locus of the phenomenon is traced to a rail-yard on the edge of the zone, and further, apparently emanating from a young drug-user and hobo, Milton Bradford.

Five years later, Milton Bradford (or, "Brad" to his inner circle) has gone from drug-using poverty to the pinnacle of corporate power as the Chairman of Progress and Development Enterprises (P&D), a real-estate and industrial conglomerate who functioned as an important partner during the days of the Genesis Project...

The reality is that P&D Enterprises, while a real company, is solely devoted to providing a safe and contented existence for Bradford. For, earlier on, psychological probing has revealed to Project Genesis' staff that the phenomenon that led them to Bradford is in fact the Creative Force that brought the Universe into being in the first place, and (while not immediately clear to the Project staff) the Creative Force has sought Bradford as a hiding place from a Universe that has become tiresomely overwhelmingly complex and the Destructive Force whom the Creative Force had originally brought into being a self-made opponent to stave off ennui. The Creative Force now seeks shelter amongst its favored beings.

O resumo da Wikipedia também menciona os detalhes específicos que você lembra sobre a mudança na velocidade da luz:

Between the adoration of the cult, which its leader has increasing trouble restraining, and the staff of P&D, psychologically exhausted from years of maintaining the P&D fiction against the utter destruction of the Universe, the cracks in the cover story develop and widen, and the Creative Force arouses and begins to try to simplify the Universe in order to make it more manageable - though not uninhabitable for its chosen residents; from the original confirmatory nova of Proxima Centauri and destruction of Pluto, it deletes all quasars observable in the Universe; rationalizes pi at the 323rd decimal; halves the speed of light; and changes probability so that outcomes bracketing the mean become more likely than the mean itself. These revisions to physical reality typically happen after dreams; the quasars are seen in Bradford's dreams as "glowflies", as an example; and the halving of the speed of light is expressed as "half a sea".

Se não for o romance, você pode estar pensando em um dos romances a partir dos quais o romance foi formado. Detalhes adicionais das versões da novela podem ser vistos em esta resposta anterior.

29.03.2019 / 17:53