Ursula Le Guin já citou o Kibutz como uma influência para a sociedade descrita em The Dispossessed?


Ursula Le Guin já discutiu ser influenciada pelo sistema Kibutz ao escrever seu romance Os Despossuídos? Se ela tem, sabemos em que medida isso influenciou o livro?

por C.Koca 21.05.2019 / 17:50

2 respostas

A partir de o guardião:

Q: The austere, anti-materialistic, pioneering spirit of the anarchist settlers on Anarres, in The Dispossessed, reminds me a bit of accounts of the very early kibbutzim, set up by idealistic European socialists and anarchists. Did you have this, or any other experimental communities, in mind when you wrote the novel?

UKL: I did indeed "read up on" the kibbutzim when I was planning Anarres. A more important souce was the work of the American pacifist anarchist Paul Goodman and his brother.

21.05.2019 / 18:35

Segundo Le Guin, ela considerou o movimento do Kibutzim (e da Comuna Chinesa) em relação às diferenças de gênero relativas que podem ser encontradas na sociedade utópica, mas cita sua principal influência como sendo "Engels, Marx, Godwin, Goldman, [Paul] Goodman, e acima de tudo Shelley e Kropotkin"que ela descreve como 'as utopias' e 'os anarquistas'.

Very well. That sounded reasonable. There was something so decent about him, he was so intelligent and yet so disarmingly naive, that he might well come from a better place than this. But where? The better place; no place. What did I know about Utopia? Scraps of More, fragments of Wells, Hudson, Morris. Nothing. It took me years of reading and pondering and muddling, and much assistance from Engels, Marx, Godwin, Goldman, Goodman, and above all Shelley and Kropotkin, before I could begin to see where he came from, and could see the landscape about him—and yes, in a way it was a prison camp, but what a difference!—and the other people, the people whom his eyes saw; and the place, the other place, to which he was going, and from which I now knew, as he had always known, why he must return. …

Only comparative ethnology offers, so far, any solid evidence on the matter [of sexual differentiation], and the evidence is incomplete and often contradictory. The only going social experiments that are truly relevant are the kibbutzim and the Chinese communes, and they too are inconclusive—and hard to get unbiased information about.

The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction

21.05.2019 / 19:08