Se eu ficar na Tailândia por apenas um dia do 1 e pagar a multa do 500 Baht, ainda recebo algum carimbo "Overstay" no meu passaporte?


I am currently in Thailand on an extended tourist visa for (which is usually 90 days).
When my visa duration ends I should exit Thailand to issue a student visa and then come back to Thailand.

My problem is that due to my mistake in calculating the day of extending the visa as separate from its following 29 days, my visa expires 1 day before my flight out which was already booked before extending.

Soluções possíveis:

  • Pay a 1 day 500 baht fine for overstaying 1 day.
  • Contact Thai Air Asia to early my ticket just by 1 day or cancel it and re-booking (which would raise the price a bit)

If I choose to pay a 500 Baht fine, I don't know what stamp I get on my passport.
Am I supposed to get an "OVERSTAY" stamp for overstaying just one day?


I went to the Bangkok Cheangwattana immigration bureau (Soon Ratchakan; Building B) and spoke with the two officers that issued the extension;
they told me that as long as I pay the fine, it's not a problem; I won't get an "OVERSTAY" stamp.

An American immigration consultant I spoke with told me I might get a small Thai-only "overstayed - fine paid" stamp but it is nothing like the big "OVERSTAY" stamp.

I called the consulate-general in the country I am going to, to make sure "overstayed - fine paid" stamp will not cause trouble in issuing a student visa (if I'll get it at all, as I hope to succeed in convincing the airport officers to use a regular stamp instead); I was told that indeed, one day overstay is not a problem in issuing the visa.

por JohnDoea 29.05.2019 / 16:34

2 respostas

Big tip from foreign Thai resident... If you have any overstays in your passport (dangerous as you can be blacklisted) when you replace your passport book it all resets and you get a new number. Thai immigration smiled when he seen my new passport book and told me my overstays are all gone. I specifically asked in Thai if they had any electronic record of my previous overstays, because when paying the "fines" they keyed stuff into their computer. He told me new book is new record, they keep no record beyond the visual inspection of the passport.

My passport books get filled pretty quickly, but even if your book is not full and you are in a pinch you can just buy a new book if you were to lose yours.

16.06.2019 / 09:44

Athough I overstayed for just 1 day, the immigration officers at Don Mu'ng were very nice and told me that I don't have to pay the 500 fine (probably because it's the only overstay I had in this passport); the officer added that if I would stay 2 days or more there would have been a fine.

There is a small deep Blue signature in Thai underneath the departation signature; though AOTM, with my little ability to read Thai, I don't know what it means (I prefer not to post a picture); I assume that's something similar or identical to what the American immigration consultant spoke about.

I didn't see the immigration officer inputting anything to a computer and he clued he only have to stamp because of procedure; I believe nothing was noted in a computer.

Also, afterwards, I could get the student visa in the general consulate, as planned, without problems.

16.08.2019 / 15:06