Bucky sabia da decisão de Steve no Endgame?


Então, sabemos que em Vingadores: Fim do jogo

Steve decided to stay in the past to grow old with Peggy, thus making the choice to bypass his time stamp and, as a result, grow old.

Nos poucos momentos antes dele

Went back in time to return the Stones,

Bucky diz a Cap:

"I'll miss you buddy," and Steve replies: "Try not to do anything stupid while I'm gone." At that moment Sam asks "How long will this take?" and Bruce replies (something like): "For us, 5 seconds. For him, as long as he needs to return the Stones."

I'm assuming here that Bucky didn't know that, until Bruce explicitly said so, that it would take only 5 seconds for Steve to get back. I'll miss you buddy would make a lot of sense if Bucky thought Steve would take days/weeks to get back (he has to return the Soul Stone to Vormir [somehow]). His look of surprise at seeing old Steve at first also made me wonder. (Though, who wouldn't be at least a little bit surprised seeing your best friend age 30 years in a matter of seconds?)

Então, minha pergunta é:

Do we actually know if Bucky already knew what Steve was going to do at the end, as (seemingly) implied by the narrative?

por Mat Cauthon 28.04.2019 / 14:05

2 respostas

Minha antiga resposta está abaixo, no entanto, foi confirmada pelos irmãos Russo que Bucky conhecia.

Also, they confirm — Bucky knew. When Cap was preparing to for the trip, which is only supposed to last a few seconds in the main timeline, his old friend from Brooklyn gives him a surprisingly heavy farewell.

Somehow, he was aware that Cap was going to live in the past, and it’s probably more than just intuition. “Especially when he says goodbye,” Joe explained. “He says, ‘I’ll miss you.’ Clearly he knows something.”

But how? Has Winter Soldier already met with Old Cap at some previous point? It seems the answer is yes.

On the other hand, Joe adds, “Sam doesn’t know something.” Falcon has no idea about Old Cap, which is why The Winter Soldier urges him to go up and talk to the now-elderly Steve Rogers. Bucky already has the answer to the questions Sam is going to ask.

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Não encontrei nada on-line para confirmar se ele sabia ou não, o que segue é a minha especulação.

Tive a impressão de que Bucky não sabia o que Steve faria, mas quando ele se virou e viu o velho no banco, percebeu que era Steve. Ele percebeu o que Steve havia feito e sabia que ele entendia e respeitava essa decisão.

28.04.2019 / 15:01

Com base na minha análise da cena, Bucky sabia que Cap não voltará imediatamente ou poderá nunca mais voltar, deixe-me explicar: logo após Bruce o ter enviado ao passado, Sam e Bruce estão assustados, Sam grita com Bruce e diga a ele para recuperá-lo, naquele momento Bucky se vira e sorri antes de ver o Old Cap, e quando o vê, ele fica surpreso e imediatamente depois de sorrir pela segunda vez, chama Sam e manda Sam ir, então eu acho que ele sabia, ou Cap contou a ele seu plano ou sabia que Cap o suficiente para dizer que não voltaria, e foi por isso que ele disse que sentiria falta dele.

29.04.2019 / 14:29