Filme 50s com pedras que esquentam e queimam?


Lembre-se, quando criança, vendo um filme B da 50s com alguns militares encontrando pequenas pedras que, quando retiradas da água, queimavam através de uma mesa de madeira ... é tudo o que me lembro.

por Phil 13.03.2019 / 20:37

2 respostas

Isso soa como "Dune Roller", uma história de Julian May, que também foi transformada em uma história de uma série de ficção científica de rádio e em um episódio de "Tales of Tomorrow". Foi a resposta para várias perguntas aqui. Por exemplo, dê uma olhada nesta sinopse de outra pergunta do SFF:

The plot is very much as you describe. It appears that long, long ago a glowing meteor crashed down into Lake Michigan, and lots of little bits and pieces of it apparently were separated by the heat and stresses of reentry and, ever since, have gradually been trying to join together again. It appears that the main globe -- the "Dune Roller" which had gradually become a mere folk tale in that region -- spent most of its time down at the bottom of Lake Michigan, where nobody could see it unless it was attracted by some tiny fragment of itself which was near the lake but couldn't move itself down into the lake to seek the large sphere. Small "amber drops" could self-propel slowly if there wasn't too much of an obstacle in the way, but the big dune roller could move at a very fast pace, even chasing down a motorboat on the surface of the lake. At one point, when a girl named Jeanne discovers that last point the hard way while piloting a boat and wearing an amber drop as a piece of jewelry which her boyfriend (an expert on "dune ecology") gave her, she describes the pursuing sphere as "fifteen feet high." (Which also indicated that the thing was somehow capable of keeping itself up at surface level for lengthy periods instead of being stuck down on the lake bottom if it didn't want to be.)

And it ends as you describe -- the good guys lured it into a trap and blew it to smithereens, but we learn that individual grains will gradually reassemble into larger bits.

Short story involving pieces of orange glass that seek out each other and defend themselves with heat

14.03.2019 / 16:35

Pode ser "Os Monólitos Monstros"da 1957, exceto que as rochas esquentam e crescem quando são expostas à água, e não quando são retiradas da água.

15.03.2019 / 02:30