Como lidar com danos de fogo supressivos sobrepostos / empilhados?


The rules about suppressive fire in the core rulebook explain that you can use suppressive fire from 2 guns, simply add the rounds of both to the save formula (Save = number of rounds / width of fire zone in meters). If the enemy fails their save, then they will take 1D6 rounds in random locations.

But what if you have 2 guns that do different damage? How, then, would you determine which gun's damage gets applied?

Further building on this - what if you have multiple players creating a fire zone in the same area? The RAW say

...teams should coordinate their actions and fire at the same time, placing the maximum number of rounds into the fire zone.

If the enemy gets hit, then which gun's damage gets applied?

por Edge D-Vort 03.04.2019 / 17:54

1 resposta

Resposta rápida: The randomess in this is so high that a bit more won't do damage, roll even/odd to find out.

House rule answer: In Cpxnumx there are tons of house rules because of its ambiguity, but is also part of its mágica, I usually make people do REF+Athletics check (classic difficulty becomes the minimum to-hit) vs all attacks, also full-auto gets a bonus for this (in classic rules you get -1 for each 10 bullets), on a fail you got hit by 1D6 bullets (double of burst)

The house rule answer is to show you that in CP2020 the RAW is so vague that this question probably gets some different answers... and all of them would seem right. Maybe chat with players to see how they see alternate rules before applying them.

04.04.2019 / 12:22