A lenda de Chewbacca


eu estava lendo esta resposta quando me deparei com uma citação sobre Rey aprendendo sobre Chewbacca:

I'd heard of Chewbacca from some Wookiee traders who'd stopped off at Jakku. They said he was an amazing hyperspace scout and smart smuggler, with a reckless human first mate who was always getting him in trouble. I never dreamed I'd get to meet them.

The Force Awakens: Rey's Survival Guide

O texto em negrito é o que chamou minha atenção. Chewbacca diz a Wookiees que ele é o capitão e Han é o primeiro companheiro, eles assumem que Chewbacca seria o líder porque Chewbacca é lendária ou esses comerciantes estão apenas construindo a lenda de Chewbacca, apesar do que eles sabem que é verdade?

por Erik 24.03.2017 / 22:05

1 resposta

No livro Rescaldo: dívida da vida, explica-se que, apesar de Han ver e tratar Chewie como 100% igual a ele, enquanto em Kashyyyk, ele tende a deixar Chewie assumir a liderança.

Dada essa mudança de dinâmica, não é irracional que os Wookie suponham que Chewbacca seja o capitão e Han seja o primeiro companheiro.

Working with Solo on this has been interesting. Chewbacca the Wookiee is the man’s copilot. His sidekick, of a sort. At least, that’s how Jom had always heard it. The two were inseparable, but Solo was the pilot and Chewie was the copilot and so would it always be.

But here on Kashyyyk, the roles are reversed.

Chewie’s in charge. He leads the way. And the real surprise is, Solo follows. He lets the Wookiee set the course. He offers insight, but it’s deferential. And if anybody says boo to Chewie’s ideas, Solo’s first on the line to get snappy about it.

-Life Debt: Aftermath (Star Wars) (Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy).

25.03.2017 / 00:06