Por que Snarl não estava em The Transformers: The Movie?


Rosnar apareceu apenas Muito brevemente in The Transformers: The Movie:

Captura de tela da Wikipedia

No entanto, nem o artigo da Wikipedia nem o Wiki Transformers fornecer uma resposta decente.

Estou procurando uma resposta do mundo real, mas se houver uma resposta decente no universo também, isso é um bônus.

por Wikis 03.03.2012 / 20:43

2 respostas

Decidi enviar um e-mail ao dublador (Hal Rayle) que interpretou Snarl na série original dos Transformers.

Question: Was there any reason that Snarl had such a limited role in The Transformers Movie (1986) ?

Hal Rayle: It was out of my control. Based on other powers that be.

Question: Perhaps you could elaborate a little more. Was it simply that the character was forgotten (due to the large cast of the movie) or was there a decision by someone to minimize that character?

Hal Rayle: It was out of my hands. I suspect it had to do with toy sales and the powers that be.

22.02.2013 / 18:11

Eu acho que é porque Snarl é movido a energia solar e, portanto, pode não ser útil em missões espaciais. Essa foi a única desculpa que eu pude inventar que é digna de nerd.

His unique design makes Snarl particularly useful in sunny, arid environments. The large golden plates protruding from his spinal assembly are solar collectors. Although he can operate without sunlight, solar energy can increase his strength tenfold and his endurance to a virtually limitless degree. A swipe of his tail can shatter a 20-foot concrete cube. His heavily armored hide makes him resistant to most missile fire.

Snarl's dependency on sunlight makes him extremely vulnerable to attack at night. Although he can use the same fuel the other Autobots use, he operates at only a fraction of his strength when he does. He is also very slow and his uncooperative behavior patterns sometimes hinder his effectivess in dangerous situations.

- Wikipedia's page on him

13.02.2016 / 18:39