O filme do 2019 Lion King foi feito através de captura de movimento?


No filme O livro da Selva, Favreau utilizou a captura de movimento com certos atores, expressando o desejo de evitar o uso excessivo da tecnologia, a fim de evitar evocar um efeito estranho no vale. Esta é uma referência de Wikipedia.

Eu me pergunto se O Rei Leão (2019) filme usou captura de movimento. Se algumas cenas usaram captura de movimento no filme, quais são essas cenas?

Não consegui encontrar nenhuma fonte autêntica confirmando que o Lion King foi feito com captura de desempenho.

por ashveli 09.08.2019 / 08:33

2 respostas

A resposta simples é não, não é movimento capturado. Mas há até confusão sobre ser considerado live-action ou animado para indicações ao prêmio.

A partir de Vanity Fair:

Disney’s upcoming Lion King adaptation has reached a slight hurdle. The film, a remake of the 1994 animated classic, is not exactly a “live-action” movie because all of its animals are computer-generated, though plenty of people and media outlets have called it that. But director Jon Favreau also argues that it isn’t technically right to label the film “animated“ either

“Well, it’s difficult because it’s neither, really,” he told SlashFilm. “It depends what standard you’re using. Because there’s no real animals and there’s no real cameras and there’s not even any performance that’s being captured that’s underlying data that’s real. Everything is coming through the hands of artists.”

Para informações triviais adicionais, houve uma cena no filme que não foi feita em computadores, de acordo com Favreau. Tweet:

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

09.08.2019 / 09:06

Em uma entrevista com ColliderJon Favreau disse:

...we don’t do motion capture for performance, because we don’t want to do it. We don’t want to put markers on animals, we don’t want to involve live action, live animals in this. In Jungle Book, we didn’t have to. I think that’s a nice next step for movies, is to leave the animals alone.


What we’ll do for performance is I’ll have the actors in this room, we clear it out, it’s a soundproof room. We have microphones, and instead of recording with music stands and a sound booth like we do in animated movies, I’ll instead have them performing standing up, almost like you would in a motion capture stage, except no tracking markers, no data, no metadata’s being recorded. It’s only long-lens video cameras to get their faces and performances, and that allows the mall [sic] to overlap and perform together and improvise and do whatever we want.

09.08.2019 / 22:44