Procurando por um título de livro sobre o controle dos quatro elementos


Não me lembro muito sobre o livro. Eu sei que o personagem principal é um menino e ele vive em um mundo dividido entre quatro facções, cada uma apoiando um elemento central. A história começa no funeral do pai dos meninos e ele conhece um homem que, mais tarde, trama uma trama para acabar com o povo do fogo dominante. Ele quer instalar pessoas de todos os elementos 4. Também chamam o elemento terra Oaks.

por Ryan Damon 26.08.2015 / 12:19

2 respostas

Contos do Reino Branion parece ser uma correspondência em potencial. Os quatro elementos são nomeados "Chama, Vento, Mar e Carvalhos". Aqui está um resumo da trama da TV Tropes:

The island kingdom of Branion is ruled by the DeMarian royal line, whose founder Braniana conquered the realm roughly 900 years before the first novel takes place. She also became the first Vessel of the Living Flame, an elemental being worshiped as a god, which has affected her descendants to the point that they all have fiery eyes that denote their divine right and power. The other three elemental powers are also worshiped, to a lesser extent, and are called the Holy Triarchy, so that the worshipers themselves are called Triarchs. The Flame also powers Seers. A rival faith, Essussiatism, also features prominently and is basically an ersatz Catholicism. The series follows 400 years of Branion history, as the monarchs strive to master their birthright. This is more difficult than it sounds, as having a fire god inside you is not good for your sanity.

E um resumo do primeiro livro, O príncipe de pedra da Amazônia:

Crown Prince Demnor must struggle to master the power of the Flame, a magic weapon with a mind of its own, in order to do battle with the rebellious Heathlands and win his independence from his dominating mother.

26.08.2015 / 15:28

A espada de ouro de Fiona Patton. O décimo nono livro do Reino dos Contos de Branion.

Camden DeKathrine is expected to be the perfect Branion Sword Knight, dedicated to the realm's ruling Avatar of Flame. But instead, claimed by the Aspect of Wind, he is being drawn into the heart of an ancient heresy which will challenge the power of the Living God. And on the eve of the five hundredth anniversary of DeMarion rule in Branion, the centuries-old conflict threatens to destroy not only Camden and his comrades but the entire Physical and Prophetic Realms...

29.01.2016 / 10:19