Vídeo game para PC envolvendo ilhas flutuantes em combate aéreo


Joguei isso entre o 1999 e o 2002 em um PC com Windows nos Estados Unidos. A premissa do jogo tinha ilhas flutuantes nas quais você podia construir propulsão (hélices?) E armas (canhões) com as quais lutava contra outras ilhas. Acredito que eram gráficos poligonais 3d, possivelmente com uma câmera fixa atrás da ilha. Eu acho que o método para colocar as coisas na ilha usava um sistema hexadecimal (mapa hexagonal da superfície 2d). Não me lembro como os recursos foram ganhos para comprar os componentes da ilha, mas acho que você os ganhou por meio da conquista.

por FuzzyBoots 01.06.2019 / 21:12

1 resposta

Quando terminei minha pergunta, a palavra "stratus" surgiu na minha cabeça e um pouco mais de pesquisa apareceu Estratosfera: conquista dos céus.

Edifício da ilha Captura de tela em ação

Gameplay consist of the player controlling a single floating island which are called flying fortresses in the game. These fortresses float because they are built from 'floatstones' which can be collected from mountainsides and also from other fortresses after damaging them. There are three types of floatstones each used to build different structures on the fortress. Extra land can be added to the fortress but at a limit of its fortress size class.

Through the build view, fortresses can build structures that increases maneuverability such as thrusters for moving forwards and backwards, and side thrusters to rotate the fortress. The amount of these maneuverability structures determine the power. They can also build gun turrets and defensive structures such as walls and shields as well as energy generating structures and also some unique structures. Each requiring different amount of resources from three different types of floatstones.

All flying fortresses float at one altitude. Turrets are controlled with the mouse and can be fired at wanted direction after clicking on position that is in its firing range. Some turrets can also shoot at ground level, which is used during missions in the campaign to destroy turrets placed on the ground.

01.06.2019 / 21:15