Indo para o exame PLAB2 com minha esposa e filho


I am a Nigerian doctor working in Saudi Arabia. I have visited the UK twice on a visitor's visa. Now I want to go for PLAB2 in September And I want to take my wife and my 4 year old son with me. All three of us are in Saudi Arabia. What visa should I apply for? Do I need to apply separately for each of us please?

por Felix Anuforo 06.08.2019 / 03:43

1 resposta

A Standard Visitor visa is the appropriate visa for this scenario. You will need to apply separately for each of you, cross-referencing your family members’ applications to your own as the main applicant.

The PLAB exam is a permitted activity for visitors

Work-related training

22 Overseas graduates from medical, dental or nursing schools may:

(b) take the following test/examination in the UK: (i) the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test, where the visitor can provide written confirmation of this from the General Medical Council

06.08.2019 / 08:32