How can I reduce/ignore any damage reduction with weapon attacks?


How can I reduce/ignore any damage reduction with weapon attacks?

I know the Mountain Hammer line from Tome of Battle:

As part of this maneuver, you make a single melee attack. This attack deals an extra 2d6 points of damage and automatically overcomes damage reduction and hardness.

I am looking for a way to get this effect of overcoming damage reduction on a full-attack.

I pensar I have seen a "reduce any DR by 5" feat, but I can't remember where.

Permanent solutions are preferable, and official books.

por András 28.06.2019 / 21:42

2 respostas

Mythic Examplar (Complete Champion p.88)

A character who takes the 10th level of the Mythic Examplar prestige class who follow the Sunyartra paragon can ignore 15 points of any damage reduction, except epic damage reduction. This ability is permanent and constant.

You can additionally overcome epic damage reduction simply by wielding a +6 or better weapon.

Alternatively, the spell vulnerabilidade (Draconomicon p.115) reduces a creature's damage reduction by 5 points, and another 5 points for every four caster levels beyond 11th. It can only reduce to a minimum of 5.


After consulting the feat index for references to damage reduction, I'm reasonably certain there's no façanha which reduces damage reduction.

There are feats which will let your attacks ignore specific types of damage reduction: Aligned Attack (Manual Psiônico Expandido, p.41) and Improved Smiting (Divino Completo, p.82) can bypass alignment DR; Penetrating Damage Reduction (Manual de nível épico, p.63), following the 3.5 atualização, bypasses one material type of DR and can be taken multiple times, and Improved Ki Strike (Manual de nível épico, p.58) bypasses on unarmed attacks only, although perhaps there is a prestige class somewhere that allows Ki Strike with weapons.

Other partial solutions

A sword called the Nightblade of Arvandor (Livro de ações exaltadas p.115) lets you make ranged attacks which ignore all damage reduction as they're technically magical force effects.

O Infused (Lantern Archon) (Dragon #321), at 7th level of this prestige class, can shoot light rays which ignore damage reduction of any type.

O Forsaker (Mestres da Natureza) can ignore damage reduction of any form he himself has. However, that was a 3.0 book, and the Forsaker was not officially updated to 3.5, where the damage reduction rules are very different.

O Ring of Elemental Command (Guia do Mestre) allows a weapon to bypass the damage reduction of any creature from the elemental plane to which it is attuned.

O Golembane Scarab (Guia do Mestre) allows a weapon to ignore the damage reduction of golems.

30.06.2019 / 03:05

For completeness' sake, a Blade of Ragnarok (Epic Destinies) has a feature called Blade of Ruin (Su) which allows you to treat your weapon as whatever you need to overcome a certain DR - e.g. aligned, epic, silver, piercing, magic. The limitation is, only one such effect can be active at a given time. (Which IMO is a tad weak for epic levels, but that type of content has always been a crapshoot. There is a non-epic variant for these however, where they replace the feats starting at L12.)

05.07.2019 / 16:04