What could you give to a Hawk animal companion to improve their battle effectiveness? [closed]


An idea I had was poisoning their talons, but one would have to keep dapping their talons in poison each encounter. Anything else you can think of?

For a Ranger with a Hawk/Falcon animal companion.

por Assistente de Ametista 17.04.2019 / 21:09

1 resposta

Not incredibly practical, but you could take magic initiate feat and take Warlock/Druid cantrip Magic Stone. Depending on your DM's ruling, he may allow the hawk to drop magic stones onto enemies?

Magic Stone states:

You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with one of the pebbles by throwing it or hurling it with a sling.

If your DM is comfortable with allowing the hawk to drop magic stones (throw them), then it's a free 1d6+Wis. Once again, not overtly practical, but a thought!

17.04.2019 / 21:36