No início de Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5, we see the following conversation take place:
VARYS: And? Nothing?
GIRL: She won't eat.
VARYS: We'll try again at supper.
GIRL: I think they're watching me.
GIRL: Her soldiers.
VARYS: Of course they are. That's their job. What have I told you, Martha? The greater the risk, the greater the reward. Go on.They'll be missing you in the kitchen.
I didn't think much of it the first time I saw the episode (hardly noticed in fact), but the second time, it felt like Varys was trying to poison Dany from the kind of conversation going on. Was he asking the girl to check on Dany to see if she is able to return to normalcy and eat or was he trying to kill her? Did Daenerys know about this (the attempt to murder, not the spreading of the secrets)?
Concern or Murder?