Meu noivo estava no australiano com um visto de turista há tempos 3 desde o 2016. Ele sempre volta ao seu país antes que seu visto expire. NaXaXa vez que ele aplicou, ele foi rejeitado pelo motivo que eles acham que ele não ficará temporariamente na Austrália. Sempre enviamos os mesmos requisitos que fizemos antes, mas não conseguimos entender por que o pedido foi rejeitado. Aqui está a parte da carta da embaixada ...
The applicant is currently self-employed and have provided no evidence of ongoing work commitments and income. Having considered the information, I find that the applicant has failed to demonstrate that he has significant economic ties to the [country of origin] that would induce him to return home within the validity of the visa. I have considered the offer of support provided by his relative in Australia. Generally, however, offers of support or guarantees given by family and friends in Australia are not sufficient evidence of a genuine temporary stay. The onus is on the applicant to satisfy the decision maker that the applicant intends only to stay temporarily in Australia.
I am not satisfied that the applicant’s personal circumstances support his claims that he intends to temporarily stay in Australia as a visitor. Therefore, I find that he does not meet clause 600.211.
As the applicant does not meet clause 600.211(c), I find that you do not meet the criteria for the grant of a VISITOR (Class FA) VISITOR (Subclass 600) visa. Therefore, I refuse your application for a VISITOR (Class FA) VISITOR (Subclass 600) visa lodged at [embassy/consulate].