Um dragão seria capaz de usar a proeza Fleet of Foot enquanto voava?


Fleet of Foot from Complete Warrior: Would a Dragon be able to use the Fleet of Foot feat while flying? The feat states: "When running or cobrando..

por Lucius Vorenus 27.05.2019 / 08:26

1 resposta


A dragon or other creature that's flying can typically realize the benefit of the feat Frota de Pé (Guerreiro Completo 99). The feat's benefit says

When running or charging, you can make a single direction change of 90 degrees or less. You can’t use this feat in medium or heavy armor, or if you’re carrying a medium or heavier load. If you are charging, you must move in a straight line for 10 feet (2 squares) after the turn to maintain the charge.

O Monster Manual on Modos de movimento says, "A creature can use the run action while flying, provided it flies in a straight line" (312), and it says this in addition to adding a chargelike attack dive to a flying creature's ability to make normally the special attack carregar (Manual do Jogador 154–5). (The Rules of the Game Web column "All about Movement (Part Five)" describes possible changes to a flying creature's normal charge.) (Also, the contradictions between the Manual do Jogador e a Monster Manual on the amount a creature can carry and still fly is covered by a esta pergunta.)

27.05.2019 / 12:58