Frank Underwood desenvolveu um espírito de contradição contra suas raízes e seu pai.
Frank's father was a peach farmer in Gaffney, South Carolina, who died of a heart attack at the age of 43. Underwood has stated that he and his father had nothing in common whatsoever, and upon his father's death, he felt neither regret nor remorse. He also speaks about his father's cowardice, weak personality and drunken behavior.
Raised in impoverished circumstances, he found his hometown suffocating at the time.
House of Cards Wikia
- A Carolina do Sul é tradicionalmente um estado republicano e ele se tornou Democrata .
- A Carolina do Sul era um Estado Confederado e ele se opôs à Confederação.
South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union (Dec. 1860), and was one of the founder members of the Confederacy (Feb. 1861).Wikipedia
- Ao se mudar para DC, ele se adaptou ao estilo de vida do norte e despreza os sulistas. Eu não gostava de muitas viagens ao seu estado natal quando ele tem que fazer campanha.
I grew up here, in the up country-- Bibles, barbecues, and broken backs. Everything gets just a little bit thicker this far south-- The air, the blood, even me. I try to make it down here at least once a month. Every trip is a reminder of how far I've come. I hated Gaffney as a kid, when I had nothing, but now I've come to appreciate it. It's not as suffocating as it once was, except when I have to deal with the sort of nonsense that makes me want to hang myself.
Season 1, Chapter 3
Também sua opinião contra a escravidão pode não ter sido baseada na consciência, mas no ponto de vista político e econômico: sobre a guerra civil, os Estados do Norte adotaram uma economia baseada em fábricas e trabalhadores assalariados à medida que os Estados Unidos adotavam uma economia baseada na escravidão.