Como você pronuncia "Hain"?


O planeta Hain é referenciado em numerosos livros de Le Guin Ciclo Hainish.

Sempre imaginei que rimasse com "chuva", mas recentemente ouvi falar mais como "hay - een" em um audiolivro.

Existe alguma informação definitiva sobre como deve ser pronunciada?

por DaveInCaz 29.07.2019 / 14:50

2 respostas

De acordo com a Ms. Le Guin em si mesma,

How do you pronounce the names and words in your books?

You the Reader have Reader’s Rights. One of them is to pronounce made-up names and words the way you want to.

But people do like to know how the maker-up pronounces them. And since this does affect the sound and rhythm of a sentence – and since names are magic in Earthsea – here are some guidelines. In my invented names and words, usually:

A is ah

E is eh

I is ee

O is oh

U is oo

EY rhymes with they

AY rhymes with either they or high

All the E’s are pronounced, including final e: Meshe = mesheh.

You have to take your chances with G, but usually it’s G as in get, not G as in gem. So Ged is Ged not Jed, Ogion rhymes with “bogey on.”

(A couple of names in Left Hand are pronounced as if in English: Tibe is not tee-beh, but rhymes with bribe. Karhide sounds like two English words, car-hide.)

Where to put the stress? No general rule. (Yeowe is yeh-OH-weh, not YOWie!)

Don’t worry about it. Say things they way they sound good to you.

Or you could get one of the audio recordings of the book. As a rule the producers and performers take great care to check the pronunciations with me.

Portanto, parece que você pode considerar o audiolivro que ouviu como correto.

Também seria discutível, usando o guia acima, que rimasse com "meu", em vez de "chuva".

E também é discutível, usando a cláusula "Direitos do Leitor", que de fato rima com "chuva" - para você.

29.07.2019 / 15:46

Hein (como o meu), não Hain (como a chuva).

Em nota de rodapé ao excelente Canção do Coiote: As Histórias de Ensino de Ursula K. Le Guin, Richard D. Erlich menciona que ele falou com Le Guin em várias ocasiões sobre a pronúncia da palavra Hain. Em suma, é mais perto da palavra francesa 'hein' do que a palavra 'chuva'.

Le Guin and I have corresponded, somewhat flippantly, on the meaning of Hain. Le Guin would have it pronounced [hain], with the option of rendering the n somewhat nasalized, French fashion, making the word similar to the French word hein ("Eh?").

Hain is also the brand name of a line of natural-food products; in correspondence in July 1989, Le Guin told me 'we have been using Hain(ish) Mayonnaise for years'; in a note in 1996, however, she said that she had not known about Hain condiments (etc.) when she first used the name.

30.07.2019 / 14:13