As embaixadas Schengen respondem com letras?


Solicitei um visto Schengen para a Estônia via Embaixada da Bélgica (representa a Estônia no meu país). Recebi a mensagem abaixo do VFS após os dias 11.

Please be informed that the Embassy of Belgium in Lagos has finalized your application.
VFS has been informed that the letter that the Belgium Embassy has addressed to you has been sent to them and will arrive at your Visa Application Centre very soon.

They will personally inform you as soon your letter reaches the Visa Application Centre and is ready for collection or, if you have opted for this service, will be sent by UPS.

If you have opted for the return of this letter by UPS, VFS will forward it immediately to UPS for delivery. You can track your letter with the UPS Waybill number you have received at the time of submission of your file.

Por favor, o que este email traduz para ...?

por Maja Taiwo 25.07.2019 / 20:04

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