Novela SF separando a maioria burra da parte inteligente da humanidade


Há alguns anos atrás, eu li um romance de SF escrito por um autor americano e gostaria de reler este livro.

A história é a seguinte: um fazendeiro descobre, enquanto lavra seu campo, um sarcófago com um homem dormindo em crioma. Como é sabido o que fazer, ele descongela o homem e descobre que ele é do século XIX. Enquanto dirige para a próxima cidade, o homem descongelado descobre que as coisas parecem erradas: por exemplo, o indicador de velocidade mph mostra uma velocidade ridícula, enquanto ainda parece o mesmo que viajar no século XIX. Pouco depois, seu benfeitor revela a ele que apenas cerca de 20k permanece com um QI acima do de uma laje de concreto e que essa parte da humanidade se retirou para a Antártica.

O sujeito descongelado propõe uma solução para o problema apresentando um plano disfarçado que sugere que a humanidade se mude para Marte. As pessoas começam a se mudar para lá, escrevem cartões postais e, com o tempo, mais e mais se convencem de que será uma grande mudança para Marte.

No final, acontece que eles atiraram a parte idiota da humanidade no sol, e a história termina com o próprio homem descongelado sendo enviado para lá por causa de sua mente maligna.

por Andreas Häusler 02.06.2019 / 14:08

1 resposta

Isso é muito provável "Os idiotas em marcha"de Cyril M. Kornbluth.

The story follows John Barlow, who was put into suspended animation by a freak accident involving a dental drill and anesthesia. Barlow is revived hundreds of years in the future. The world seems mad to Barlow until he discovers the 'Problem of Population': due to a combination of intelligent people not having children and excessive breeding by less intelligent people and coupled with the development of more sophisticated machinery that makes it less important to possess intelligence in one's working life (see Fertility and intelligence), the world is full of morons, with the exception of an elite few who work slavishly to keep order. Barlow, who was a shrewd real estate con man in his day, has a solution to sell to the elite, in exchange for being made World Dictator.

De Texto do Projeto Gutenberg:

Hawkins, puffing, pried up a stainless steel plate that was quite badly stained and was also marked with incised letters. It seemed to have pulled loose from rotting bronze; there were rivets on the back that brought up flakes of green patina. The potter wiped off the surface dirt with his sleeve, turned it to catch the sunlight obliquely and read:


"Honest John," famed in university annals, represents a challenge which medical science has not yet answered: revival of a human being accidentally thrown into a state of suspended animation.


Barlow surveyed it with awe. Swept-back lines, deep-drawn compound curves, kilograms of chrome. He ran his hands futilely over the door—or was it the door?—in a futile search for a handle, and asked respectfully, "How fast does it go?"

The psychist gave him a keen look and said slowly, "Two hundred and fifty. You can tell by the speedometer."


Barlow gaped as Rogge-Smith took him by the elbow and his other boys appeared: Swenson-Swenson, the engineer; Tsutsugimushi-Duncan, his propellants man; Kalb-French, advertising.

"In you go, Chief," said Tsutsugimushi-Duncan. "This is Poprobterm."

"But I'm the world Dictator!"

"You bet, Chief. You'll be in history, all right—but this is necessary, I'm afraid."

The door was closed. Acceleration slammed Barlow cruelly to the metal floor. Something broke and warm, wet stuff, salty-tasting, ran from his mouth to his chin. Arctic sunlight through a port suddenly became a fierce lancet stabbing at his eyes; he was out of the atmosphere.

Lying twisted and broken under the acceleration, Barlow realized that some things had not changed, that Jack Ketch was never asked to dinner however many shillings you paid him to do your dirty work, that murder will out, that crime pays only temporarily.

The last thing he learned was that death is the end of pain.

Uma diferença é que eles acreditam que vão a Vênus, não a Marte.

"This is my program: I suggest that a city of more than 100,000 population be selected by lot. The citizens of the fortunate city are to be awarded choice lands on Venus free and clear, to have and to hold and convey to their descendants. And the national government shall provide free transportation to Venus for these citizens. And this program shall continue, city by city, until there has been deposited on Venus a sufficient vanguard of citizens to protect our manifest rights in that planet.

02.06.2019 / 15:27