Are the runes around the Goblet of Fire meaningful?


Eu visitei recentemente o Warner Bros. Studios Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter and took notice of a particular piece of artwork from the prop designs of Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo. It depicted the runes that are inscribed around the rim of the Goblet. I took a photo of the artwork although it is slightly low quality.

Photo of artwork from the Studio Tour

It got me wondering if the designers behind the Goblet actually spelled anything meaningful with the runes, and if these runes are from a real historical alphabet or just similar in design to actual runes/a mixture of different runic alphabets. I also wondered if the Goblet as described in the books has any runes on it, and if they spelled anything.

Do the runes around the Goblet of Fire prop have any meaning, and is this a feature carried over from its description in the book?

por Ongo 25.03.2019 / 23:45

1 resposta

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Picture's worth a thousand words. The runes are Elder Futhark and don't appear to make any particular sense except, undoubtedly, some esoteric wossname in the Wizarding World.

The runes are an embellishment on the part of the movie production team. The Goblet itself receives almost no attention in the book and its description is quite easy to miss:

Dumbledore reached inside [the casket] and pulled out a large, roughly hewn wooden cup. It would have been entirely unremarkable had it not been full to the brim with dancing blue-white flames.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Chapter 16: The Goblet of Fire

Mary Grandpré did the illustrations for (at least) the Scholastic HB edition, and got it right:

Goblet sitting upon its casket.

NB: (Younger Furthark e Cirth for comparative purposes. Note that "/" in the Cirth "transliteration" indicates a non-existent form.)

26.03.2019 / 15:05