procurando um livro de 30 a 40 anos atrás sobre humanos recuperando habilidades psíquicas perdidas


Lembro-me bastante disso, mas não do título ou do autor. Os seres humanos foram visitados há eras atrás por uma raça que andava por aí suprimindo o desenvolvimento psíquico de espécies jovens, uma vez que eram incapazes de desenvolvê-las. Nos tempos modernos, outra raça envia uma arma como precursora da invasão, mas a arma desbloqueia as habilidades psíquicas dos seres humanos e as pessoas de repente conseguem alterar a realidade à vontade, o personagem principal usa a palavra-chave Aufmachen para parar de afetar acidentalmente as coisas.

por Ephemeron 13.09.2016 / 16:08

1 resposta

Venda de Estrelas por Philip E.High

The conquest of a galaxy is relatively easy providing the aggressor has the necessary technology and, more important, a safe method of overcoming possible opposition without bleeding to death in the process. The Asdrake employed mutated micro-organisms which directly attacked the brain of the planet's intelligent life - they liked this method. They could fight if they had to but were inherently lazy. This method had worked successfully on twenty-two occasions - why should it fail on planet 5/6/9. Sector 88. Sun System 46. "Tseudec" (Native name: "Earth").

Casualties from the epidemic were astronomical yet, in complete paradox, failed to kill a single human being - the side effects took care of that. And those side effects were beyond even the Asdrake's imagination. The survivors on Earth found undreamed complications in rebuilding the world with the use of their new psychic powers - and perhaps more important, were they new powers at all, and if not who had removed them thousands of years ago?"

13.09.2016 / 20:09