A strange cooker or fait-tout or… what can it be?


We have this odd cooker. We have not been able to figure out what it is. The top can't be opened.

EDIT : There's some liquid inside both parts, we can hear it if we shaken them. Even if we can't figure if it's water or something else as we can't see it.

Alguém sabe o que é isso?

We don't know what this cooker is

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

por bagaço 30.07.2019 / 20:05

1 resposta

I suspect that's for cooling, not heating. Each piece would be filled with brine (but only partially, to allow for expansion), to increase the thermal mass and yet maintain a high thermal flux while cooling. The two-part design maximizes the surface area. You freeze the two pieces, put the food to be chilled in the vessel, then insert the lid.

31.07.2019 / 00:14